Tasting for a healthy sandwich

Image of Tasting for a healthy sandwich

To continue with our Design Technology theme of designing a healthy sandwich, today we sampled some of the most popular sandwich ingredients to consider their taste and texture. Children sampled a small amount of
- White bread
- Brown bread
- Chicken
- Ham
- Lettuce
- Cheese
We considered…

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Poetry Recital

Image of Poetry Recital

To round off our poetry topic in English, the children have practiced and performed poems in front of the class.
Children split into 5 groups, each with a different poem to learn:
- Friends
- Bed in summer
- The Tyger
- I wandered lonely as a cloud
- The highwayman
Children then rehersed…

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How has Inskip changed over time?

Image of How has Inskip changed over time?

We have been looking at the geography of our local area in lessons, first considering the human and physical aspects around us. Secondly, we began to look at if Inskip and the land around us was always the same as it had been?
Thanks to the wonderful people at Lancashire Archives we were sent…

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Skeletons and bones!

Image of Skeletons and bones!

Middle school have been learning about keeping fit and healthy in their Science lessons. This week, we  looked at our skeleton. 
We considered what our skeleton's job was and why it is the way it is. We looked at what the different bones in our bodies were called (with help of our…

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A healthy plate

Image of A healthy plate

We are focusing on keeping ourselves fit and healthy in our Science lessons - focusing this week on a balanced diet. 
We looked at the different food groups and the eatwell plate, considering how much of each food we needed to incorporate into our meals to be healthy most of the time. 

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A timeline of Britain

Image of A timeline of Britain

This week we have spent some time in class learning about the chronology of how we came to be where we are in Britain.
Understanding the order of historical events that led us to where we are today is extremely important in contextualising many learning points across all subjects. 

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Outdoor mornings!

Image of Outdoor mornings!

As we have had some lovely weather this week, middle school have spent several mornings having their maths and English outside. 
In our English lesson we used the outside to find objects to write similes about. Here are some that we came up with:

'The grass is as muddy as a pig sty.' -…

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Poetry Detectives

Image of Poetry Detectives

Our first English topic this half term is exploring poetry. 
Children had to become poetry detectives throughout the week and explore lots about poems. Firstly, we looked at a variety of poem types and learned that poems have lines and stanzas. We also learned that poems didn't always have to…

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Where do we live?

Image of Where do we live?

Our new topic for the term is all about me, so in geography we are focusing on where we live. 
Children began by using a variety of geographical tools to help them find out where we are located in the world!
We already knew some of the answers, but our atlas, globes and digital maps helped us to…

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German Christmas Cards

Image of German Christmas Cards

This Wednesday, middle school got creative (and very glittery) creating some Christmas cards with a German twist. They all wrote 'Merry Christmas' in German on the front. 
We had a great time creating our cards - don't they look lovely?!

Frohe Wiehnachten!


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Middle School Christmas Party

Image of Middle School Christmas Party

Middle school really enjoyed their Christmas party this year. 
Alongside plenty of festive music, we played lots of party games and won lots of prizes! Children especially loved the pass the parcel that was kindly donated by Friends of Inskip!

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What happened to the Indus Valley Civilisation?

Image of What happened to the Indus Valley Civilisation?

To finish off our topic on the Indus river valley civilisation, the children investigated some of the possible reasons that the cities along the Indus valley were abandoned. Nobody knows for sure, but there are several theories that could explain their disappearance. Children read these theories…

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