Poetry Detectives

Image of Poetry Detectives

Our first English topic this half term is exploring poetry. 
Children had to become poetry detectives throughout the week and explore lots about poems. Firstly, we looked at a variety of poem types and learned that poems have lines and stanzas. We also learned that poems didn't always have to…

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Where do we live?

Image of Where do we live?

Our new topic for the term is all about me, so in geography we are focusing on where we live. 
Children began by using a variety of geographical tools to help them find out where we are located in the world!
We already knew some of the answers, but our atlas, globes and digital maps helped us to…

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German Christmas Cards

Image of German Christmas Cards

This Wednesday, middle school got creative (and very glittery) creating some Christmas cards with a German twist. They all wrote 'Merry Christmas' in German on the front. 
We had a great time creating our cards - don't they look lovely?!

Frohe Wiehnachten!


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Middle School Christmas Party

Image of Middle School Christmas Party

Middle school really enjoyed their Christmas party this year. 
Alongside plenty of festive music, we played lots of party games and won lots of prizes! Children especially loved the pass the parcel that was kindly donated by Friends of Inskip!

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What happened to the Indus Valley Civilisation?

Image of What happened to the Indus Valley Civilisation?

To finish off our topic on the Indus river valley civilisation, the children investigated some of the possible reasons that the cities along the Indus valley were abandoned. Nobody knows for sure, but there are several theories that could explain their disappearance. Children read these theories…

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Image of Fractions

Children have been introduced to fractions this week, using practical methods to understand how numbers and shapes can be split into fractions. Children particularly enjoyed using whiteboards to draw fractions out and splitting amounts using counters. 
Year 4s soon learned that they needed to use…

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Image of Snow!

Last week we were blessed with a wonderful morning of snow! Children really enjoyed making snowmen and collecting up the biggest pile of snow. 
We talked about where snow comes from and how some countries get snow and others don't as often. Children discussed some of the conditions needed for…

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Christmas craft morning

Image of Christmas craft morning

Last Monday, middle school unfortunately had to cancel their 'rainforest day'. To assure that we still had a morning of fun, we decided to create some Christmas crafts to help decorate the classroom instead.
Children all sat on one big table to colour, cut and create. We made a huge paper chain…

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Winter Weather

Image of Winter Weather

The weather took a turn for the frosty and cold this week, however this didn't put middle school off playing and exploring nature during their playtime. The children were fascinated by how the frost had covered everything! They carefully looked at ice crystals on leaves and grass and noticed how…

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Indus Valley Craftspeople

Image of Indus Valley Craftspeople

The children got creative in their history lesson this week and created their own jewellery inspired by the Indus Valley Civilisation. 
We began the lesson by looking at some of the archaeological findings from the area. We considered what materials they had available and how they might have gone…

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Archaeological investigation

Image of Archaeological investigation

In history, middle school have been learning about the Indus River Valley Civilisation - one of the first civilisations! 
This week they put their historical knowledge to the test by investigating an archaeological find - the skeleton of an Indus Valley person. Children used facts from the…

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Middle School Children In Need

Image of Middle School Children In Need

Middle School children stepped up this morning and ran around the school track in order to raise money for children in need. 
Children brought either their bike, a scooter or even ran around the running track as many times as they could, raising money for every lap they completed. 
We are…

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