At Inskip St Peter’s CE Primary School we are more than just a school, we are a family with a strong sense of community. Our theology of Keep your roots deep in Jesus Christ the Lord, build your lives on him and always be thankful (Colossians 2:7) fills our souls. Our children and adults are compassionate and respectful to one another, building friendships where we are proud of each other’s achievements and offer forgiveness readily. We foster a love of learning and a determination to embrace new challenges with trust in God and in each other.

Our SIAMS Report


On the 28th September 2023 we had our SIAMS inspection.


 The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) is the Church of England and Methodist Church’s outworking of the requirements of section 48 of the Education Act 2005. It is a key element of the life of all Church of England and Methodist schools in England.

SIAMS inspection focuses on the impact of the Church school's Christian vision on pupils and adults. This involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish.


I am very pleased to say that we have received an extremely positive SIAMS inspection report which confirms that Inskip St Peter's School is living up to its foundation as a Church school.


The report lists our School Strengths as


  • The Christian vision with its strong biblical underpinning is clearly articulated and understood by the whole school community. The school recognises and values the unique talents of all are rooted in Jesus.


  • The vision drives a culture that supports, includes and nurtures all pupils and adults. The headteacher ensures there are good structures in place for vulnerable pupils and those who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).


  • Partnerships between the Church, community and diocese are strong. These relationships enhance the Christian vision by showing where the school is rooted and where they are heading.


  • Collective worship is at the heart of the school. It has significant impact upon pupils, giving them a strong moral sense of what is right and wrong and how to live their lives.


  • Effective leadership in religious education (RE) has established a challenging curriculum, which encourages pupils to ask big questions and think deeply. This positively impacts on pupils understanding of Christianity as a world faith.


Miss Leyland, the governors and staff are proud of the whole report, phrases from it to give you an overview are:


  • Inskip St. Peter’s is highly successful in enabling pupil's to flourish
  • The strong sense of community is tangible
  • All adults and pupils feel a sense of belonging
  • Pupils feel listened to and supported by staff. If they need to talk they know the teachers are 'always there for them'.
  • Staff go the extra mile and all pupils are loved as Jesus loved, showing the vision in lived action
  • Parents speak passionately about the personal and individual support they have received from Inskip St Peter’s
  • The impact of the school’s vision radiates into the school community
  • Governors know the school well and are highly committed to its success
  • The vision ‘keep your roots deep in Jesus Christ’ drives the school in its service to the disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils
  • Pupils interactions are confident and eloquent, showing willingness to both express their own opinions and to listen to the viewpoints of others.
  • Staff feel very valued and supported by their leaders
  • Adults at Inskip care about all pupils and ensure they have the best opportunities every day


All inspection reports contain at least 3 areas for development, our 3 are:


  • Develop pupils' ability to be more aware of injustice and global inequality in the world. This is so they can make a positive difference, by acting as agents of change.


  • Embed and extend opportunities in RE so pupils develop a deeper understanding of religious and non-religious world views from a range of world faiths.


  • Enable pupils to engage in the planning and evaluation of collective worship in ways that lead to improving practice.


We are already planning ways in which we can fulfill these areas.


Thank you to everyone who contributed to our inspection day, whether it be through talking to the inspector about your own experiences of our school or ensuring, as you do every day, that your children arrive at our school ready to learn and show their best.


Please do read the full report below.

Our SIAMS Inspection Report September 2023


Congratulatory Letter from the Diocesan Board of Education November 2023


Our SIAMS Inspection Report March 2016







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