Learning, Loving and Living with Jesus 

Keep your roots deep in Jesus Christ the Lord, build your lives on him and always be thankful.  Colossians 2:7


Compassion Friendship Respect Forgiveness  

Trust Thankfulness


Dear Parents / Carers,


It is with enormous pleasure that I write to share the fantastic news that our school has once again been rated Good’ by Ofsted.


I am delighted that Ofsted has recognised all the excellent work going on here and that Inskip St Peter’s is a safe and happy place to bewherePupils achieve well and are prepared for the next stage of their education’.


The inspectors found that Leaders have high expectations of all pupils including those with special educational needs and or disabilities’ and that Pupils live up to these expectations. They respond well to the work teachers provide for them and achieve well’.


The inspectors were impressed by the conduct of our pupils noting that ‘Pupils behave extremely well’ ‘They enjoy their lessons’ ‘They move around school in a calm and orderly manner’ ‘They are polite and well mannered. In this small school pupils learn and play alongside each other well’.


They praised our curriculum stating that ‘Leaders have designed a broad and ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with SEND. It has been carefully organised in each subject and identifies the knowledge that pupils should learn. Leaders have thought about the order of learning so that pupils can build effectively on what they already know’ and that ‘Leaders have prioritised reading across the school’.


We are pleased that they also recognised our intrinsic caring family culture ‘All adults, in this small school, know pupils extremely well’ ‘Older pupils enjoy the leadership opportunities they are given’ ‘Reception children settle quickly into school and learn to follow the class routines alongside older pupils’ and our desire to impact upon our pupils’ wider growth, Leaders ensure that pupils, including children in early years, have many opportunities to learn beyond the academic curriculum’.


We are proud that our ability to identify and act on development points was praised Governors ask leaders challenging questions to make sure that further improvement is made’ ‘Leaders, including governors know what the school does well and what it needs to improve even further’.

The next step identified by Ofsted for our development is exactly what is already included in our improvement planning.


This is known to be a very challenging inspection framework and we are very pleased with the outcome. Achieving a Good outcome is something that we should all be very proud of and it is not about one person or a group of people. This judgement cannot be won or lost on the day. It can only be achieved if high quality teaching and learning is the order of the day every day. It is for this reason I am pleased for the team at Inskip St. Peter’s, who are all so hard working and so committed to do the very best they can each day for the children and families in our community. As noted by the inspectors in our Ofsted report Everyone is part of the St. Peter’s family’.


However, Ofsted is only one measure of success - our true measure is that of our children. We do not do what we do for Ofsted but because we expect our children to have the highest quality of education that prepares them for the future. The children are at the heart of all that we do at Inskip St. Peter’s and we will continue to strive to ensure that every moment in school counts.


Finally, I would like to thank you all for your support. The children at our school are a credit to you all and the Inspectors spoke positively about the lovely young people that attend Inskip St Peter’s who were confident to share their opinions and views about their learning, community and school.


Your kind words and support were much appreciated during the inspection. Hearing how much you and your children appreciate all we do in school for our pupils and the recognition you have for our team adds to our determination to be the best we can.


Thank you to you all and your wonderful children. I feel very honoured and privileged to be the Headteacher at this school and I will continue to move our school forward to ensure that every child meets their full potential.


A full copy of the Ofsted report is available below and OFSTED will publish it on their website within the next 8 days. The report itself is quite short, and written to a very tight word count, but it encapsulates many of the aspects of Inskip St. Peter’s CE Primary School that makes us so special.


As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.


With very best wishes,


Kate Leyland

OFSTED Inspection Report November 2022

OFSTED Inspection Report June 2017




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