This week's science investigation into keeping our bodies fit and healthy involved looking closely at our breathing. 
Children learned about how we breathe and how we use our lungs to transport oxygen around our body and into our muscles. We learned that we needed more oxygen in our muscles when we exercise, which is why we breathe more heavily after lots of movement!
We decided to conduct an investigation as to whether children who do more regular exercise activities would recover their breath more quickly after exercising. Children took it in turns to record their resting breathing rate, using some torn tissue paper to help emphasise each breath. Once we knew our breathing rate, we took a lap of the field and recorded our breathing rates afterwards.
The were much higher!
After this, we waited a minute and recorded them again - some people's had slowed down more than others!

This is a great experiment to try at home, too! You can also do this with your pulse rate to check how quickly your heart is pumping that blood to your muscles!

Science MS 04.02.22