DT-stuffed toys

Image of DT-stuffed toys

The Upper School children have been studying the 1960s this term and found out about toys that children played with. As part of that topic, we designed and made our own stuffed toys. 
The children learnt how to blanket stitch during their work and used previously learnt running stitch to add…

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Year 6 Confirmation Service

Image of Year 6 Confirmation Service

On Monday 25th November, at Inskip,St Peter’s Church, three of our current Year 6 children (and a former pupil, Sian) were confirmed into the church by Bishop Phillip from Blackburn Cathedral. It was a beautiful and very spiritual service with the children all taking part confidently and with…

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PE-Earthlings Dance

Image of PE-Earthlings Dance

For the past three weeks, the Upper School class have been developing a dance based on our theme of Earth in Space. Each section of the dance explores a different idea and uses free form dance techniques such as union work, paired dances, freeze frames, group work, follow the leader, mirroring and…

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Science-The colour of light

Image of Science-The colour of light

Today in our Science lesson, the children explored what colour light is. At the start of the session, they all stood in a place in the classroom and pointed at the colour they thought light was. Most children thought it was white or had no colour and was transparent. 
Next we had a recap about…

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Music-composing planets music

Image of Music-composing planets music

Since the half term holiday, Upper School have been investigating the Charanga composition features on the website. They have been learning how to use simple rhythms and melodies. Now the children are using the melody maker app to compose orchestral pieces based on the planets of the solar system.…

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Geography-Using a Compass

Image of Geography-Using a Compass

In Geography this week, the class learnt more about using maps to navigate. They practised using grid references to find symbols on maps and then began to learn to use a compass to travel. I gave the children a treasure hunt challenge in the playground where they had to follow compass directions…

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English- Otto The Autobiography of a Teddy Bear

Image of English- Otto The Autobiography of a Teddy Bear

Upper School started reading and studying a new book this week called Otto, Autobiography of a Teddy Bear. They made lots of predictions and inferences about the characters and setting and today we produced freeze frames of a scene in the story. Once they showed this to the class, I ‘woke the…

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Science -Light travels in straight lines

Image of Science -Light travels in straight lines

In our Science lesson this week, the children learnt that light travels in straight lines. They explored this fact by using torches and mirrors. They then learnt about how we see. Using yellow string, the children made their own models of how the light travels in a straight line to an object,…

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Art-Printing and Drawing

Image of Art-Printing and Drawing

Over the last couple of Art lessons, Upper School have been preparing a space themed piece using a printed background using their own hand made print plate and then adding space themed details with a different media such as chalk, charcoal, pastels and pens. The gallery shows the process the…

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English-The Arrival Role Plays

Image of English-The Arrival Role Plays

The children really enjoyed watching and reading the next section of our book, The Arrival, when the main character gets off the ship and is taken into a registration building like the one on Ellis Island in New York. They role played the scene with one child being the immigration officer and one…

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MacMillan Cake Sale

Image of MacMillan Cake Sale

A massive thank you to all the parents who baked or bought cakes for our very special MacMillan Cancer Support cake sale. The children in Year 5/6 had great fun getting it all ready and then bought lots of yummy treats at the end of the school day. We had such a lot of cakes provided that there…

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English-Recreating a scene from The Arrival

Image of English-Recreating a scene from The Arrival

Today in English, the class began looking at chapter 2 of The Arrival. We discussed the story so far and the symbolism of the illustrations. Using the people on the ship picture, we created a freeze frame and then each character was ‘woken up’ in the picture to tell us who they were, where they…

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