Welcome Back!

Image of Welcome Back!

What a very busy and fun first week back to school we have had. Our new Reception children: Maddison, Evelyn, Abigail and Nathaniel have settled into school life with ease and have been confident and happy super stars!

This week we reminded ourselves about the skills we need to have to be great…

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Ted’s Tortoise visits school

Image of Ted’s Tortoise visits school

Ted’s tortoise came for a visit today and we learnt how to care for a tortoise. 

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An exciting visitor!

Image of An exciting visitor!

We were so lucky this morning when Neive-Marie and her horse Fen came to school to visit and help us with our science learning! Nieve-Marie kindly answered all the children’s questions about Fen and we learnt about how to care for horses. We also learnt that it will be Fen’s birthday on Sunday, he…

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Our new EYFS children’s first visit

Image of Our new EYFS children’s first visit

Welcome Evelyn, Nathaniel, Maddison and Abigail! We have loved having you at school this morning we hope you had a great time. 

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Meeting Clare Balding

Image of Meeting Clare Balding

Year 2 had a fantastic morning at Kirkham Grammar School being lucky enough to attend an author event with Clare Balding. Clare was very interesting and captivated our children for over an hour talking to us about the events that inspire and are featured in her books. 

Clare asked us all about…

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Investigating Capacity

Image of Investigating Capacity

Great maths learning in Reception and Year 1 this week. We have been estimating, measuring and comparing capacity. 

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Animal Shelter

Image of Animal Shelter

Reception children have been reading the book ‘Hairy Maclary’ and doing lots of great learning around the stories. They have really impressed me and Miss Haynes this week with their original ideas and brilliant writing! In the role play area they have created a great animal shelter. Today Tommy…

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A Cautionary Tale

Image of A Cautionary Tale

Thank you to Years three and four who came down to our classroom to perform their poems ‘Jim a Cautionary Tale’ accompanied by a sound scape they had composed. We really enjoyed the performance.

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Busy learners

Image of Busy learners

Great learning has been happening over the past few weeks ...

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Happy birthday Sophia!

Image of Happy birthday Sophia!

Happy 5th birthday Sophia! We hope you enjoy your party tomorrow and have a lovely birthday weekend!

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Well done Millie

Image of Well done Millie

Congratulations to Millie for getting all her movements correct at ballet. 

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Well done Charlie

Image of Well done Charlie

Charlie had a great weekend at a show with his pony Jimmy. They won two first rosettes, a special and a clear round. Charlie has just started learning how to jump with Jimmy and is doing brilliantly! Well done team Richardson!

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