Good Morning, 

Thank you to all our lovely parents who are working so hard juggling your work and keeping your children learning at the same time, you are all doing a great job. I really appreciate and LOVE seeing the children and their work in the photos and videos you send me please keep sending them to me! I miss all of you children very much and seeing you in the photos and videos makes me so happy, we will all be together again as soon as we can until then lets stay safe and stay at home in this wonderful sunshine today!

Today's star of the blog is Evelyn hurray! How lovely to see your gorgeous smiley face to finish off our week Evelyn. Evelyn loves to put on her school uniform every morning to do her learning at home, what a superstar!

Phonics (reading and spelling)

Reception and Year 1 children If you would like to do a page in your phonics workbooks (the ones made by CGP) please do so. 

Please try to spend 10 minutes (or more if you would like to) on a phonics activity to keep making your brains bigger and reminding yourself how to read and spell sounds. You can go on or Teach Your Monster To Read (which is also available as an app).

Reading and Responding

Well done to Leo who wrote a brilliant poem about Superworm yesterday! Also thank you and well done to Ada who sent me a video of her reading the Hairy Maclary story aloud. Ada, the expression in your voice was fantastic and you read the tricky names of the dogs' just brilliantly! I would love you to read aloud to the class when we are all back together again. How many of you would like to start practise reading aloud at home (you could line up your teddies and pretend they are your friends at school)? Then when we are back together you can all take it in turns to read to the class! That would be fantastic!

Please do your final activity on this week's book (or characters from books Y2). Which activity have you enjoyed the most this week?

Next week Reception's learning is based all around the book Hattie Peck by Emma Levey and you will be doing lots of activities about chickens.

Year 1's learning is based all around pets. You will be reading some fiction, non-fiction and watching films about pets. One of the books you will look at is  called "The Perfect Pet" by Fiona Roberton (I have this book at home so I will record myself reading it and put it on Youtube for you).

Year 2's learning is based all around Roald Dahl's poetry looking closely at some poems taken from "Revolting Rhyme" and "Dirty Beasts". 


Today's maths activities can be found at White Rose Maths Home Learning by clicking on this link  

Choose your year group, watch the Flashback video first and answer the questions before you have a go at the activities.

Reception - Day 5 - Supertato

Year One - Maths Challenge

Year Two - Maths Challenge

You don't need to print the worksheets out, you can write the answers on a piece of paper or simply tell the adult you are working with the answers to the questions. 



Wellbeing - How to be a good friend. 

What was your favourite or most interesting thing you have learnt about on Bitesize Daily this week?  

Don't forget to look on the dedicated TV channel full of learning content, podcasts on BBC Sounds and lots of educational videos on iplayer please investigate these brilliant resources! 

Have a great day, have an even better weekend, stay at home and stay safe. 

Mrs Kemp