Terrific Triangles!

Image of Terrific Triangles!

To further our topic of shape and geometry, middle school children have been investigating triangles and their properties.

We have learned about the different types of triangle and we are able to classify them based on their features.

Children cut, sorted and stuck different triangles in…

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The Mystery of Lindisfarne

Image of The Mystery of Lindisfarne

We have begun our new topic of Vikings and Anglo Saxons in history this half term. We learned a little about who the Saxon people were and how they split England into seven kingdoms. Then we tried to solve a mystery...

Children were given several 'sources' or 'clues' to work out the mysterious…

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Easter Disco!

Image of Easter Disco!

Some pictures from the wonderful Easter Disco arranged by the Friends before the Easter break. The children all had a wonderful time!


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Magic Zoo

Image of Magic Zoo

To practice their knowledge of area and perimeter, middle school were given a challenge - to set up a zoo for mythical creatures!

They were given a list of the creatures they needed to house and their requirements and they set to work planning out where each of these animals would go. Children…

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Easter Crafts

Image of Easter Crafts

Before the holidays, the children enjoyed a morning of Easter themed arts and crafts.
Children had a choice of different activities to let their creativity flow! 
Some children designed their own Easter egg pattern using crayon or felt-tips. These ended up beautiful, bright and unique!


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We're 'sew' good!

Image of We're 'sew' good!

Middle school children have been looking at the artist Alice Kettle. 

Alice Kettle focuses on the natural world and looks at the patterns and shapes that come from it. She uses cloth and sewing to create her pieces of art.

The children were given a needle and thread to explore and create…

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Faith Friends - Hinduism

Image of Faith Friends - Hinduism

Last week we were extremely lucky to meet another faith friend - Prags Birk - who came in to teach us all about Hindusim. 
Prags explained to the children what Hinduism is and how Hindu's worship. She shared some artefacts and symbols that are important in Hinduism and showed children how and why…

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Snow Day!

Image of Snow Day!

Middle school loved enjoying the snow on Friday morning! 
We started off practicing some handwriting in the snow, and then moved on to creating some snow men! 

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Fabulous Fabrics

Image of Fabulous Fabrics

In art this week the children were inspired by artists Hannah Rae and Alice Kettle, who both use fabrics to create their art pieces.

Children were channelling their emotions into their art and took fabric with vastly different textures, colours and densities to use and create a collage. The…

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World Book Day 2023

Image of World Book Day 2023

This year we had a unique and fantastic world book day... we were visited by an actual author! Shane Hegarty (author of 'The Shop of Impossible Ice Creams') came into school for a hilarious talk with the children.

Inspired by Shane's visit, middle school spent most of our morning creating our…

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Inside a Flower

Image of Inside a Flower

In our science lessons we have been exploring how plants reproduce - children learned that a flower was not just a flower, but instead it was made up of lots of smaller parts with lots of different functions.

Children labelled the parts of the flower on their diagrams before having a look at a…

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Easter and our Emotions

Image of Easter and our Emotions

We have begun to look at the Easter story again in our RE lessons, this time focusing on the question: Is Easter a time of sadness or joy? 

We questioned what these different emotions were and explored how our positive feelings were more than just 'happy' and our negative feelings were more…

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