We have begun our new topic of Vikings and Anglo Saxons in history this half term. We learned a little about who the Saxon people were and how they split England into seven kingdoms. Then we tried to solve a mystery...

Children were given several 'sources' or 'clues' to work out the mysterious event that had occurred in 793AD. 

They had Norse Jewellery depicting the god Thor, a chest full of Saxon treasures, a blood covered cloth, an extract from the Anglo Saxon Chronicle, an image from an illuminated manuscript depicting Viking ships, a cross and a map with an arrow painted from Scandinavia to Northumbria. 

The children built up a picture of what could have happened by deducing what they thought each clue meant. We discussed how this was similar to what real archaeologists have to do when we only get bits and pieces of the picture. 

Children wrote their theories before we revealed what most likely did happen!

History MS 21.04.23