Measuring Mass

Image of Measuring Mass

Our first maths topic this year has been measuring mass - the children have revised how to read a scale and had moved onto measuring real objects in the classroom.

Children estimated the weight of the objects beforehand and then read their scales to write in the accurate measure.

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Planting Wildflowers

Image of Planting Wildflowers

Middle school have been participating in '30 days wild' from the Wildlife Trust - alongside this we were sent some wildflowers to plant at school!

Luckily, we already have a wonderful designated wild meadow area next to the drive. This was a perfect place to put our flowers!


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Viking Game - Kubb

Image of Viking Game - Kubb

As part of Viking day, children learned to play the Viking game of Kubb.

We split into teams with the aim of knocking over the 'king' piece! This game showcases many things we have looked at in our PE lessons including underarm throwing and throwing with aim and accuracy. 

Children also…

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Viking Raids!

Image of Viking Raids!

Over this half term, middle school have been busy learning about the Vikings and Anglo Saxons in Britain. 
As part of our ongoing learning, we have mixed in a little DT and Art by creating our own Viking inspired shields. 

The last day of the half term was Viking day! This meant that the…

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Holiday Adverts!

Image of Holiday Adverts!

In English this week, the children have been learning about writing to persuade. To go alongside our topic of Vikings we have been learning about the nine realms in Norse mythology. The children had the challenge of being given one of the realms with their partner and having to sell a holiday to…

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Church visit

Image of Church visit

The children in middle school had a very special RE lesson this week - we visited the church!

This was to go alongside our topic of exploring the church and the meanings behind it. We have already virtually explored some fantastic churches around the world, but it was time to visit our…

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Frame Structures - DT

Image of Frame Structures - DT

Children have been experimenting with frame structures in their DT project.

To begin with, children were given modelling clay and cocktail sticks to try and create some basic 3D shapes. They began with triangular prisms, cubes, tetrahedrons and square based pyramids. Eventually, children began…

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Egg Drop Challenge

Image of Egg Drop Challenge

Middle school took part in a challenge that used their science and their DT knowledge - they had to protect an egg from an 8 foot drop!

They were told to plan out as a team what they would do to protect their egg and then they were given materials and tape to create something.

Children used…

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Coronation Picnic

Image of Coronation Picnic

On Thursday, the whole school got to enjoy a picnic style lunch - either with their packed lunches or with a school dinner - to celebrate the upcoming coronation. 
The children finished their lovely lunch by singing the National Anthem! 

Here you can see years 2, 3 and 4

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Coronation Picnic!

Image of Coronation Picnic!

On Thursday, the whole school got to enjoy a picnic style lunch - either with their packed lunches or with a school dinner - to celebrate the upcoming coronation. 
The children finished their lovely lunch by singing the National Anthem! 

Here you can see years 2, 3 and 4

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Image of Shapes

The children have been continuing their learning in maths all about 2D shapes. We learned how to classify different shapes using sides, vertices, angles and parallel or perpendicular lines. 
First, children played a guessing game by describing their shape to a partner.
Secondly, children worked…

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Friction in Action

Image of Friction in Action

Our new science topic is forces and magnets. 

Last week, we investigated push and pull forces.

This week, we began looking at how friction might affect those forces by setting up an investigation.

Children set a car off down a ramp and timed how long it would take to cross a 50cm line.…

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