Faith Friends - Methodist

Image of Faith Friends - Methodist

This week, we had another very exciting visit from our Faith Friends, this time from the Methodist Church. 
We discussed their main values and beliefs and compared them to how how the Church of England shows their faith and worship. There were lots of interesting points discussed, including ones…

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School Disco (part 2)

Image of School Disco (part 2)

Great fun was had at the end of year disco! Everyone was up and dancing! DJ Taz made us laugh and astounded us with his fabulous magic too! Here are some pictures of the children busting some moves on the dance floor…

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Inskip Visits the Wild Boar Park (part 2)

Image of Inskip Visits the Wild Boar Park (part 2)

We absolutely loved our whole school trip to the Wild Boar Park! It brought elements of our Science, Geography and PSHE learning alive in front of our very eyes! 

We got the opportunity to get up close to some fascinating critters and reptiles and enjoyed exploring the farm animals - from…

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Making Mountains

Image of Making Mountains

Middle School have made some excellent progress on their Lake District mountain models in art this week. 
After initially modelling them last week with paper mache, we began to paint them this week.

How great do they look?!

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Moving Up Day

Image of Moving Up Day

On Monday we loved welcoming the year 2s into middle school ready to be our new year 3s! The current year 3 were super helpful with showing them what we do in middle school and supporting them.
We also got to welcome our newest friend, Gracie!

We did maths, English, PE and geography.

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Taking a Tally!

Image of Taking a Tally!

This week we have been exploring data handling and statistics in our maths lessons.

We kicked off Monday by reminding ourselves how to create a tally chart. This would be useful information to use later to turn into other data handling charts and graphs. 
We decided to go outside and count…

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A debate on tourism

Image of A debate on tourism

As part of our geography topic the Lake District we learned about how tourism has positive and negative impacts in some areas. We explored why people would want to visit the Lake District and all of the positive factors. We also explored the negatives.

Once we had our facts, children split into…

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Arty Afternoons

Image of Arty Afternoons

Last Friday, the children were treated to an artsy afternoon with Mrs Allen! They got to use mixed media to create a piece based upon the Lake District. This included doing bubble painting, soft and oil pastels, watercolours and collage. They had some fantastic results.

As you will know,…

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Reciting a poem from memory

Image of Reciting a poem from memory

As part of our ongoing topic of the lake district, the children have been looking at some of William Wordsworth's poems. 

The children had to learn one of his poems off by heart in a small group - they were then to recite this poem to the rest of the class!

You can watch their recital down…

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Image of Archery

This week middle school have had a bit of a different PE experience! They have had a try at archery in order to prepare for the archery event at the upcoming sports afternoon. 

Children all learned very quickly and did well at the activity!

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Sketchbooks - John Ruskin

Image of Sketchbooks - John Ruskin

As part of our overall topic this term, the Lake District, children have been exploring artists who were inspired by the region. 

We began the lesson by watching some aerial footage of different places in the Lakes and were given 5 minutes to experiment with our new medium of watercolours.…

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Reflective surfaces

Image of Reflective surfaces

Our topic in science this half term is light and dark. 

Last week, we identified light sources and learned what light and dark are. 

This week, we began to investigate reflections and why surfaces were reflective. We moved into the darkest room in the school and experimented with different…

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