PE- Glow Dodgeball
Well done to the Y5/6 children who went along after school to play Glow Dodgeball at Garstang Academy! They had great fun playing against other small schools from the area and it was very exciting playing in fluorescent lighting!
Mrs Hurley
English- Writing Formal Letters
Over the past couple of lessons, Y5/6 have been planning and drafting a letter to be sent out to companies around the local area to see if they would be willing to gift the school something for the Christmas fayre in two week’s time. The children have been using persuasive devices in their writing…
RE- Visit to Church
Last Tuesday, the Upper School children completed their RE topic about why Christians read the Bible by visiting St Peter’s Church and meeting Rev Paul. He told us all about the special Bible they use in services on a Sunday and why the Bible is so important to Christians. It was a good…
English- The Arrival
Upper School has been reading The Arrival by Shaun Tan over the past week. It is a fascinating graphic novel which tells the story of a man’s journey from his family to a new country and new life.
Today the children explored the scene when he arrives at the immigration office and the difficulties…
Upper School WW2 Trip
On October 6th, Upper School had an incredibly fun day at Hangar 42 Spitfire Centre. We learnt so much from the experts and the day was filled with opportunities to explore and find out new things. The topics covered were Codes and Ciphers, Aviation, Evacuees and the experiences of those involved…
Science- The Visible Spectrum
Today’s science learning was all about the visible spectrum and how light is made up of all the colours of the rainbow!
The children explored this through the refraction of sunlight or torchlight through a prism. The results were spectacular! Leo managed to split the sunlight coming through the…
Science- Light
Here is a gallery of some of the brilliant work and learning the children have been doing in their science lessons over the past few weeks. We have learnt that light travels in straight lines, that we see things because light reflects from objects and into our eyes, that light reflects from shiny…
Healthy Minds and Bodies
As part of our PSHE journey, we have continued to explore the question: how can we keep healthy as we grow?
This week, we completed dance challenges and discussed the changes before and after the physical activity. We also completed mindful activities, including guided meditation. We discussed…
Negative Number Race!
This week, Upper School have been exploring negative numbers through various visuals, games and practical ways. They were all able to apply their understanding to different maths problems (including problems involving missing numbers on a number line, money and temperature). We are very impressed…
The Unforgotten Coat-Role Plays
In English today, we read a section of our novel where the main character discovers where the two Mongolian boys live and goes there to give back a coat…it was a very dramatic scene and full of action and emotion.
The children enjoyed rehearsing and performing their own role plays of this scene…
Nailing Netball Skills!
This half term, Upper School have ‘thrown’ themselves into their PE lessons with an awesome abundance of enthusiasm!
We are learning skills to play Netball-type games (from sending and receiving the ball with accuracy to using space and communication to work effectively in a team) and…
Evidence Explorers!
In History, Upper School have been getting to grips with evidence this week. They have been learning to give reasons for the different versions of the past. To help us understand this a little more, we took part in a whole class puzzle: trying to work out what actually happened last weekend based…