Let’s Go Sing- the last rehearsal!

Image of Let’s Go Sing- the last rehearsal!

Upper School and Middle School enjoyed a session of singing with Matthew from the Let’s Go Sing team. He was so impressed with how well the children knew the songs and lyrics and encouraged the children to continue practising over the holidays. We can’t wait to perform with all the other schools…

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The historical significance of Henry VIII

Image of The historical significance of Henry VIII

This afternoon, Upper School have been learning to recognise why some people might be judged as more historically significant than others. We first of all unpicked the key vocabulary for today and clarified the meaning of some unfamiliar words. We discussed what it meant to be judged and what…

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Author Visit- Skandar and the Unicorn Thief by AF Steadman

Image of Author Visit- Skandar and the Unicorn Thief by AF Steadman

We had a fantastic afternoon listening to the children’s author, Annabelle Steadman. We can’t wait to get started on the first book of her unicorn series. 
Mrs Hurley

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Science- Chemical Reactions

Image of Science- Chemical Reactions

Following on from our work on reversible mixtures last week, the children created and observed a chemical reaction. They pretended they were working for the special effects department of the British Film Industry. They had to create a volcanic eruption using the two reactants, bicarbonate of…

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Showing our values in team games…

Image of Showing our values in team games…

Upper School demonstrated respect and compassion towards one another this afternoon - commenting kindly on their teammate’s attempt and supporting each other. They showed they were trustworthy to count their own scores and to be honest about their success. 

Well done, Upper…

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Exploring Tudor Portraits

Image of Exploring Tudor Portraits

Upper School have continue to explore portraits from a the Tudor times. This week, they have delved into the portraits painted of Sir Francis Drake - a Tudor explorer. They looked for clues in the portraits that would give the impression of personality, character, wealth, responsibility, role and…

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Science - Investigating solutions, colloids and suspensions

Image of Science - Investigating solutions, colloids and suspensions

Today the Upper School children imagined they were working for the British Film Industry! They had to come up with a way of making five different types of soil to be used in a new film. They had to work out what materials would work best to make a solution, some colloids and some suspensions. They…

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Getting comfortable to improve our reading stamina…

Image of Getting comfortable to improve our reading stamina…

In Upper School, we have been focusing on our reading stamina (gradually increasing the duration of reading without distraction or before losing our concentration).


In class, we have a stopwatch which we glance at, the moment we find our concentration is going. Obviously some distractions…

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Let’s Go Sing!

Image of Let’s Go Sing!

Today the children in Upper School had their second rehearsal with one of the team from Let’s Go Sing. They thoroughly enjoyed listening to and learning the last four songs for the concert in March and we will continue to practise these in music lessons over the coming weeks. The children can also…

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English-Kaspar, Prince of Cats

Image of English-Kaspar, Prince of Cats

The new year means a new novel to enjoy and study in Upper School and this time we are reading Michael Morpurgo’s brilliant book, Kaspar, Prince of Cats. Today the children explored the character of Johnny Trott and the world that he lives in. They used role play and thought tapping to infer…

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Exploring Tudor Portraits

Image of Exploring Tudor Portraits

This half term, we are exploring portraits and what they portray. 

We analysed a portrait of Henry VIII and discussed how it portrayed power, status and character. We then created our own versions to portray contrasting messages…


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Kaspar - Prince of Cats by the wonderful Michael Morpurgo

Image of Kaspar - Prince of Cats by the wonderful Michael Morpurgo

Over the next few weeks, Upper School will be exploring ‘Kaspar - Prince of Cats’ by Michael Morpurgo. So far, we have compared alternative book covers, clarified vocabulary, practised active listening skills (we like doing this in Upper School! Doodling with intention!) and made many…

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