Time for times tables
Children have begun to learn their times tables in maths. Times tables are essential to unlock many other mathematical skills and are one of the main things we learn in year 3 and 4 maths.
We have started off by looking at times tables conceptually and understanding what it means when we…
Gymnastics Equipment!
The children have expanded on what they have been learning with their balance, movement and control and have been applying those skills to movement across obstacles.
This week, the challenge was made greater as the children had objects and pathways that were more difficult to navigate.
Rainforest Collage
We have been inspired by Henri Rousseau's art work of the rainforest and of all the different shapes, colours and sizes that he uses in his pieces.
We decided to use this to inspire some collages.
We considered how Rousseau layered his work to give it depth and how he made the animals in his…
Our plant investigation
For the past few weeks the children have been looking at plants in science. We learned about all of the key things that plants need to grow and thrive and decided to set up an experiment to test what would happen if plants did not have some of these things.
This week we checked on our results…
Space week!
This week has been space week...
We decided to spend some time in our science lesson learning a little about space. We looked at where we live in our universe and some of the other things that are out there in space! Children learned about the solar system and that we orbit around the sun.
Investigating plants
Continuing our science topic of plants, the children have begun their investigations to find out what would happen to plants if one of the vital things they needed was removed.
Children took turns to rotate around tables and make their predictions for each plant.
We then set the plants up ready…
Middle school have continued with their gymnastics, using balance and movement to traverse objects. Children have balanced along thin surfaces such as the bench and use their bodies to steady themselves into different balances on different points. Children have also had the chance to try moving…
In the Jungle...
In English lessons this week the children have begun to think about the stories we will be writing. We used images of the rainforest as well as sounds of the rainforest to take ourselves on an immersive and descriptive journey to write about our setting. Children came up with some amazing…
Solving conflict role play
In our PSHE lessons we have been focusing on friendships and relationships. We considered what it meant to be a good friend last week and thought about how we should act towards our friends. This week we thought about what we could do if it became difficult to be a good friend because of the…
Investigating flowers
Children have continued their investigation into plants this week by dissecting a flowers and separating the parts inside that we found. Children built on their previous knowledge from last week of plant parts used in pollination and plant reproduction.
Many children even began using big words…
Trusting your balance
In PE this week, children took what they learned about balancing points from last week and put this into practice with a partner. Children had to place their trust into their own bodies - and their partners - to create great shapes with their bodies. We learned how far we could lean and stretch to…
The weather report
We have been focusing on the rainforest in Geography - looking this week at the climate we find there. To help us with this, we all put ourselves forward as weather presenters!
Each pair of children was given a city or town in a rainforest region.
They had to investigate what the weather is and…