Children have begun to learn their times tables in maths. Times tables are essential to unlock many other mathematical skills and are one of the main things we learn in year 3 and 4 maths. 
We have started off by looking at times tables conceptually and understanding what it means when we multiply something. Children have used several concrete methods to physically see the patterns that emerge with times tables and to explore what multiplication looks like in order to understand it further. 
We are encoraging revision of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables to begin with and are hoping that all children will be able to recite these fully from memory!

Children are now taking a 'times tables challenge', getting their name on the challenge wall when they have learned a new times table.
We encourage children learning and revising their times tables at home as often as possible too - children all have a TT rockstars login, so learning their times tables can be just like a game! We love TT rockstars in our class!

Maths 15.10.21