Katie Morag Stories

Image of Katie Morag Stories

This week we have begun to look at stories with a familiar setting. 

As our topic this half term is called 'The Place Where I Live' I decided that we would base our English learning around the Katie Morag stories as they are about a little girl and the place where she lives in Scotland. 


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Let There Be Light

Image of Let There Be Light

In our RE lesson with Helen this week we began thinking about Day 1 in the story of Creation. We explored the the bible verse Then God said, 'Let there be light': and there was light. Genesis 1:3

The children showed really insightful and deep thinking as they thought about and answered some big…

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Lots of number learning

Image of Lots of number learning

Year 1 and 2 have been sorting, ordering, counting and understanding numbers this week.

Take a look at these photographs to see their activities ...


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Reception’s Writing

Image of Reception’s Writing

Our Reception children are busy doing lots of different activities getting ready to write ...

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Glenys and the Chitty Chitty Book Book Library Van Visit Again!

Image of Glenys and the Chitty Chitty Book Book Library Van Visit Again!

We were so happy to see Glenys return to visit us on Friday in her brand new library van.  The children and I had the opportunity to see the lovely books and decide which ones we would like to borrow. 

Glenys and the library van will visit us every three weeks on a Friday and we will be able to…

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A Handful of Rules

Image of A Handful of Rules

The children and I discussed ways that we should behave in order to make sure everyone stays safe, happy and ready to learn in our class. We came up with a handful of rules that are easy to remember and can be counted on one hand! 

Our class rules are that ...

1. We listen.

2. We are…

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A New School Year!

Image of A New School Year!

Wow what a busy and fun first week we have had back in Lower School! 

We have welcomed our nine new Reception children; Henry, James, Jon-Jnr, Reagan, Wilf, Connor, Kaitlyn, Leah and Charlotte. They have all been superstars this week and settled into school life brilliantly, well done…

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Summer Fun

Image of Summer Fun

Have a a look at these photos to see the fun we have been having today, treats, games and even beautiful pop up book made for us to read by the children in Upper School.

Thank you for the books Upper School we were really impressed by your stories and DT skills!

It’s been an absolute delight…

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Summer Disco

Image of Summer Disco

What a fabulous way to end our school year! We all really enjoyed our summer disco tonight and a big thank you to our amazing Friends for treating us to Taz the entertainer, Taz you were so funny! We all had a ball.

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Animal Music

Image of Animal Music

Having learnt so much about animals recently the children really enjoyed their music lesson with Mrs Hurley on Friday! 

Take a look at these photos to see how they were learning ...

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Image of Dolls

In our science lessons we have looked at the human body and looked at the differences between humans at different stages of their lives. Our baby dolls have been played with lot after we used them in our science lesson but were looking a little cold as they didn't have many clothes! So we need to…

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Changes in our local area

Image of Changes in our local area

Two weeks ago work began on the field next to our school where a housing development is being built. We have been observing the changes closely and enjoying seeing the different big vehicles coming and going. 

After our first visit we had a debate about whether the changes were a good or a bad…

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