We have been making connections throughout all our learning in different subjects over the past two weeks, revisiting and building on learning we did weeks ago too, all through an overarching theme of Spring.

In science we have looked closely at bulbs developing our scientific skills of investigating, observing and questioning. If you look back through our blog posts to the 21st January here https://inskip.lancs.sch.uk/blog/2022-01-21-19-45-00-what-are-they you’ll find a post where I surprised the children by bringing into school some daffodil plants (but didn’t tell them that the plants were daffodils!). The children cared for the plants and watched them grow. I added to the activity by bringing two hyacinths and some tulips growing in pots for the children to observe as well once the daffodils had grown. Over time the children have watched the flowers bloom and then die. 

This week we took all the plants out of their pots and learnt about bulbs and how plants grow from bulbs and seeds. 

Firstly the children had a good look at the different bulbs “they look like onions”, “that looks like a radish” lots of comparisons to familiar things were made. They felt the roots and measured the different lengths “they are like spaghetti”, “ooooo they feel funny”, “they’re thin and they break” were a few of the comments. Then I cut some of the daffodil bulbs in half and the children had a close look and lots of discussion. Our Reception children drew what they saw and used their phonics to sound out the word bulb whilst year 1 and 2 made observational drawings and wrote about what the bulbs. 

Then the Reception children planted the bulbs in our outdoor area this afternoon and we hope they will grow again next year!

Take a look at these photos …

LS Bulbs March 2022