Our Eco monitors, who are Duke and Alex this week, have been kept busier than usual this week as they’ve had extra plants to care for! We already have two Peace Lillies, a fern, a succulent and a Spider Plant but this week I brought in there ‘mystery’ plants.

The groups of children have been caring for their pot of plants and have measured and recorded the height of one of the plants (the one with yellow wool around the stem to make sure we measure the same one) each day. We have been amazed by how quickly they have grown every day and it has given us lots of chances for using our number skills and developing maths understanding.

I haven’t told the children what they are, they have been predicting what they think they are. No one has guessed correctly yet but soon the flowers will bloom and all will be revealed! Keep using your science skills everyone, you’re doing a great job so far. 

What will they be?