Humblescough Farm
What a jam-packed, amazing morning we had this morning when we visited Humblescough Farm in Nateby, Garstang.
Mr Sneddon, you are just fantastic! The children were so excited and enthusiastic to take part in all the activities and we all laughed and loved Mr Sneddon’s jokes and funny stories.…
Reception’s Learning Week 4
Take a look at these photos to see some of the learning our EYFS children have been enjoying this week …
Comparing Numbers
This week our Year 1 and 2 children have been comparing numbers and using the greater than, less than and equals symbols. Take a look at these photos and take a look at the video we enjoy watching to help us remember the mathematical symbols.
How do we say thank you to God at Harvest time?
This week we have been answering the key question ‘How do Christians say thank you to God at Harvest time?’
We explored further our value of being thankful as the children talked about all the food they have in their homes and we have at school recognising that there are many places and people…
Reception’s Learning Weeks 2 & 3
Our Reception children are happy little learners! They have settled into the routines of our days so quickly,ake a look at these photos to see snapshots of their busy days …
Signs of Autumn 2022
As we notice the weather turning cooler this week conversation turned to the seasons and we began looking for signs of Autumn. Alex G brought into school a bag full of acorns he had collected from his Aunty’s garden for us all to share.
The children have begun to explore this tuff tray and…
Lost and Found
Last week the children were surprised to find some lost penguins left in our classroom! They sparked lots of questions and the children recorded their questions learning how to use question words and draw question marks. It reminded me of the great story Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers so I read…
Following our previous learning where we explored the question ‘Why is it important to say thank you?’ This week in our RE lesson we asked ourselves ‘Why do Christians say thank you to God at Harvest time?’.
We talked about God being the creator of the world and everything in it, shared our…
Hands, Feet and Heart
In our music lessons we are learning a song called ‘Heart, Hands and Feet’. This week we have been keeping the beat using instruments as we sing.
Practise the song at home, you can find it here on this link
What is an animal? Are humans animals? Do you have any animals at home as pets or livestock?
We sparked our science learning by considering these questions this week and it caused some great discussion. The children in Lower School are quite knowledgeable about how to care for animals as…
Hot and Cold Places
We have begun our Geography learning this week as part of our half term topic called ‘Penguins, Possums and Pigs’ . The children shared what they already knew about hot and cold places in the world and started to think about what they wanted to learn.
In an activity they looked at various…
Reading Buddies
We love reading in Lower School! We have lots of opportunities to read every day and always have a story time where I read the children a story they have chosen by voting for their favourite at our book voting station. We have DEAR time, where the children ‘drop everything and read’ and at this…