Welcome to the New School Year!

Image of Welcome to the New School Year!

It has been so lovely to see our children back in Lower School this week and to welcome Alex into Year 2 as well as our new Reception children Luca, Theo, Ethan, Lily and Jasmine. 

We have spent this first week settling into our class routines and school life, focusing on what makes us work…

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Summer Disco 2022

Image of Summer Disco 2022

What a brilliant time we had at our end of term disco on Thursday night! Thank you to our amazing team of Friends who paid for the children’s entertainer Taz and the treats. 

Just take a look at these photos to see how much fun we had, Taz was so funny, the children is faces show it all…

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Minibeast Collages

Image of Minibeast Collages

Our art project this half term has been to create some collages of minibeasts. I chose minibeasts for the children to create as they have studied them throughout two of their science topics this year most recently last half term when looking at living things and their habitats. Take a look back at…

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Garden Makeover

Image of Garden Makeover

We had an exciting afternoon on Friday when the builders from the site building new houses next to our school very kindly brought us some soil for our mud pit and lots of gravel to level out an area that has been used for a lot of digging over the past year! 

Thank you so much to Sam Swaine the…

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Which materials can we recycle?

Image of Which materials can we recycle?

Building upon our knowledge of everyday materials and how we use them, this week the children have been investigating how to recycle, reduce and reuse materials. They thought about all the different types of objects that we use daily at home and in school and learnt which of the materials can be…

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Our New Reception Children 2022

Image of Our New Reception Children 2022

We had a lovely day on Monday when all of our new for September Reception children came to visit us for the day. 

We welcomed Matilda, Jasmine, Lily, Ethan, Luca, Theo and Alfred. The children settled brilliantly, they enjoyed playing, chatting and eating lunch. We can’t wait to see you again…

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Seaside Holidays in 1954

Image of Seaside Holidays in 1954

Mrs Cadwallader brought history to life for us last week by bringing in two photos of herself on holiday at the beach when she was a little girl. I was so impressed by our children’s knowledge as they applied what we had learnt a couple of weeks ago (have a look back here 

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Which materials change shape?

Image of Which materials change shape?

Progressing our science learning about everyday materials this week the children have carried out an investigation answering the question ‘which materials change shape?’. They have tested various objects, identified what materials they are made out of and discussed why the object is made out of…

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PE skills

Image of PE skills

Our children in Lower School have made so much progress in different skills in PE this year it has been brilliant to see. This week they have all been perfecting throwing and catching skills with Reception children practicing over arm throws whilst Y1 and 2 have been working on cooperation skills…

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Reception’s Learning

Image of Reception’s Learning

Our Reception children have had another busy fun filled week of learning, take a look at these photos to see a snapshot of their week …

Phonics lucky dip

Noah’s Ark doubling 

Number work with 100 popper squares

Investigating number bonds to ten with pirate treasure in the…

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Image of Maths

Take a look at these photos to see a snapshot of all the different maths concepts our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children have been practising and learning this week … 



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Uses of Everyday Materials

Image of Uses of Everyday Materials

We have been developing our scientific knowledge and understand of materials and how they are used this week. After discussing the properties of different materials the children went exploring inside and outside looking at objects and recording what materials they were made out…

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