The children applied the skills they learnt previously (creating autumn leaves see here ) to create the background sky using wax resist and watercolour inks to create a picture representing the sky above St Paul’s Cathedral in September 1666 during the Great Fire of London. 

Take a look at the first set of photos of the children at various stages of creating their pictures. Firstly they worked in their sketchbooks to practise drawing shapes to represent the fire and seeing which colours and effects were the most effective. Then they went on to create a night sky on fire. Using a photocopied illustration of the sky line in London during 1666 which included St Paul’s cathedral they used wax crayons to add fire escaping from windows and along the tops of the buildings before cutting the image out. 

Creating the sky 1666
















































The sky in 1666






Well done Year 1 and 2 your artwork looks fabulous!