Happy Summer Holidays

Image of Happy Summer Holidays

Hi Lower School, how are you all?  I hope you and your families are all well and having lots of fun in the sunshine. 

Only three more weeks and then we will be back together in school, I can't wait to see you all!  

I have been working on some summer projects for school making things for you…

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Friday 19.6.2020 lessons

Image of Friday 19.6.2020 lessons

Good morning everyone!

The stars of today's blog are Miss Haynes's photos of moths!  Here is Miss Haynes's story ...

It all began when Dad and I watched Springwatch on the TV. https://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/natureuk/entries/bd7c6a4e-dad9-384a-89a0-1b7a93660d72 

Truth be told I’ve always been…

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Thursday 18.6.2020 lessons

Image of Thursday 18.6.2020 lessons

Good morning everyone!

The stars of today's blog are Leo and his Daddy in their amazing home made fort!

Are you exercising with Joe at 9.00am today?

A reminder for helping you to stay safe on the internet please use the child-friendly search engine called Swiggle

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Wednesday 17.6.20 lessons

Image of Wednesday 17.6.20 lessons

Good morning everyone!

The star of today's blog is Nathaniel enjoying a splash in the water at Brock Bottom.

Are you exercising with Joe at 9.00am today?

A reminder for helping you to stay safe on the internet please use the child-friendly search engine called Swiggle

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Tuesday 16.6.20 Lessons

Image of Tuesday 16.6.20 Lessons

Good morning everyone!

The stars of today's blog are my blueberries! The first ones are ripening and they are delicious! 

Are you exercising with Joe at 9.00am today?

A reminder for helping you to stay safe on the internet please use the child-friendly search engine called Swiggle

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Monday 15.6.20 Lessons

Image of Monday 15.6.20 Lessons

Good morning everyone!

The star of today's blog is a Cinnabar Moth that I saw at the weekend. I don't think I have seen a moth like this before and I was surprised to see its striking colours. I researched the moth on the internet, why don't you research it too?  Whilst doing my research I…

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Friday 12.6.20 lessons

Image of Friday 12.6.20 lessons

Good morning everyone, 

Today's stars of the blog are the Call Duck ducklings again! Can you see that they have grown since the last time I showed you a photo of them? Their adult feathers are beginning to grow through now. 

Here are your activities to choose from today ...


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Thursday 11.6.20 lessons

Image of Thursday 11.6.20 lessons

Good morning everyone, 

Today's star of the blog is Sophia's Little Miss character, I think everyone needs a Miss Rainbow in their lives! Do you anyone who is like Miss Rainbow? Well done Sophia. 

If you would like to find some new learning activities have a look here 

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Wednesday 10.6.20 lessons

Image of Wednesday 10.6.20 lessons

Good morning everyone, 

Tommy is our star of the blog today holding up the tiniest fish he has ever caught!  Tommy had a lovely half term and spent lots of time with his Daddy fishing in the canal have look at the photos below to see what he and your other classmates have been doing. Remember…

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Tuesday 9.6.20 Lessons

Image of Tuesday 9.6.20 Lessons

Good morning everyone, 

Who is today's star of the blog? Can you tell? It is someone in Reception who has been learning about owls yesterday and made their own owl mask. Scroll to the bottom of the blog post to find out who it is!

Here are your activities to choose from today ...


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Monday 8.6.20 Lessons

Image of Monday 8.6.20 Lessons

Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend!

Today's star of the blog is Nathaniel's brilliant spiral painting, I love all the different colours you have used Nathaniel.

Are you exercising with Joe at 9.00am today?

At 9.30am today you can watch the latest episode of learning…

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Friday 5.6.20 lessons

Image of Friday  5.6.20 lessons

Good morning, happy Friday!

Today's stars of the blog are a swan family that Leo and his family saw on the canal when they went on their bird spotting hunt the other day. They might even be the same family who my friend saw swimming down the River Wyre. Have you spotted and lovely birds…

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