Bear Hunting

Image of Bear Hunting

This week we have begun our story writing based upon the fabulous story “We Are Going On A Bear Hunt” written by Michael Rosen linked to our theme ‘Explorers’. 

Most of the children are already familiar with the story and it is one of our favourites so we made it extra special by performing it…

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Jesus’ Special Friends

Image of Jesus’ Special Friends

Following our learning last week where we talked and wrote about what it meant to be a good friend and who are our friends, this week we learnt about Jesus’ special friends.

We told the story ‘The Calling of the Disciples’ Luke 5: 1-11, Luke 5: 27-28 and the children retold the story through…

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How Does Music Make the World a Better Place?

Image of How Does Music Make the World a Better Place?

In our music lessons this half term we are learning all about tempo and dynamics. We began by answering the question how does music make the world a better place and had a great discussion, here are some of their answers ...

” It makes me feel happy and wonderful inside” Nathaniel

” it’s…

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Welcome back to Spring Term 2022

Image of Welcome back to Spring Term 2022

It has been lovely to see each other after our Christmas break and everyone has started the new term refreshed and ready to learn!

We have had a busy, fun-filled week (take a look at the photos below) where we have begun our topic for the term called ‘Explorers’. The Reception children have…

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Christmas Cards

Image of Christmas Cards

All the children made a snowy scene for a Christmas card to send home to their families this year using lots of different skills to create it.

They had to follow instructions carefully at each stage and did so well! First they created the snowy backdrop with wax crayons. Then they each drew two…

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Christmas Digital Art

Image of Christmas Digital Art

More of our class have been using the programme Paint to create Christmas themed pictures this week and having a lot of fun!


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Painting Clay

Image of Painting Clay

The children selected different colours to paint their clay creations this week before taking them home to hang on their Christmas trees and give to their parents. 

They look fabulous and I am sure all their families will agree!

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Digital Art

Image of Digital Art

The Year 2 children have been learning how to use different tools in the programme ‘Paint’ to create some art work this week. 

Take a look at their fabulous pictures …


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Clay Christmas Creations

Image of Clay Christmas Creations

We have been working with clay this week learning how to roll, pinch, mould, join and decorate the clay with our hands and tools.

The children have made a pinch pot as a present for someone at home and a decoration for their Christmas tree. When they have dried the children will be painting…

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Welcome to December

Image of Welcome to December

We are getting very excited in Lower School now that it is December and we are counting down the days until Christmas Day! Our kindness elves Eric and Ernie are back again this year watching and spotting children being kind to one another. As an extra surprise this year we have been so lucky to…

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The Rules of the Sneak

Image of The Rules of the Sneak

We have been learning how to use bossy verbs and give instructions this week and using the tuff tray to act out and make up more stories about Robin and her family of mice.

In the film Robin Robin, Robin and her family of mice have rules that they must follow to be successful in their sneaking…

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The Story of Robin Robin

Image of The Story of Robin Robin

The children have been recounting the story by writing captions to match scenes from the film Robin Robin. 



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