Mr Grinling
We have been having fun gathering knowledge for our stories set in the seaside this week. Each day we are choosing a different story from The Lighthouse Keeper’s set of stories and learning more about the main characters Mr and Mrs Grinling, their cat Hamish and the lighthouse they look…
Pomegranate tasting!
In one of the stories we read this week, whilst we were collecting new vocabulary to use in our writing, we came across the word pomegranate. A lot of the children hadn’t heard of a pomegranate before so I bought one for them to try …
Seaside Stories
We have begun our new theme for the half term which is called Buckets and Spades. As part of our English learning we are going to write our own stories set at the seaside. So, this week we have been getting ideas by reading lots of different fiction and non-fiction books with a seaside theme. The…
Middle School’s Stories
We really enjoyed Middle School’s Lauren Child Inspired stories, well done Middle School, thank you for sharing them with us!
Releasing the butterflies
We had a magical experience on Tuesday when we released all our Painted Lady butterflies in our meadow area of the field. The children reached in and helped the butterflies out of the net and were lucky enough to get a really close look. Some of the butterflies sat on their hands or arms for a…
Platinum Jubilee Celebration
We had an amazing day on Friday when we all came dressed in red, white and blue to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
We had a delicious lunch with a very special visitor, lots of fun activities and watched as Ms Leyland planted a commemorative tree in our field. Take a look at these…
The Queen 2022
Progressing from drawing (see previous blog post the children have used watercolours to paint their portraits of the queen.
For most of the children it was the first time they had used watercolour paint and a chance to…
Art - Portrait Drawing
As part of our celebrations of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee we have been learning about the Queen and her life, we have looked at some historical artefacts (a souvenir brochure from the Queen’s coronation), images and videos on the internet and photographs of her taken throughout her life.
DT Textiles - Pouches
The Year 1 and 2 children have finished their design and technology project! Take a look at our previous blog since then the children have sewn their pieces of felt together with a running stich, planned the design…
The butterflies are here!
We were so excited to watch catch sight of two different butterflies emerge from their chrysalis on Friday! It was an amazing experience for the children to watch and experience.
We had lots of discussion and excitement as the children watched the final stages of the life cycle of a butterfly…
Book Choices
In Lower School the children have the opportunity to vote for the book they would like me to read to them every day. Each morning they come into school and look at the choices then place a shell in the bowl in front of the book they would prefer.
We have a great selection of fiction,…
DT Textiles - Learning Stitches
Our Design and Technology project this half term is to design and make a pouch as we are learning about textiles. We began by looking closely at our clothes and sharing ideas about how we thought our clothes are made. This created a great deal of discussion and we looked around the classroom…