Where in the world is China?

Image of Where in the world is China?

We have been learning about China as part of our geography topic and began by looking at different objects and guessing which country they came from which prompted great discussion and learning. 

The children have been learning how to use an atlas, find land and oceans on globes and maps…

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Letters and Posters

Image of Letters and Posters

We had a lovely treat this week as the Upper School children came to share their writing with us. They had written letters to the children in Lower School explaining their RE learning to them and had also created some information posters about tigers to share with us. 

Thank you so much…

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Reception’s Learning Week 5

Image of Reception’s Learning Week 5

A busy learning week with new learning about China, capital letters and the numbers 6,7 and 8 (as well as all the many other  skills and knowledge we build on every week!)

Here are some snapshots into our week …

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Reception’s Learning Week 4

Image of Reception’s Learning Week 4

Reception have had a busy week being builders after watching the houses being built in the field next to ours! They have been cooking and baking in the nature kitchen, learning phonics and maths, doing PE and lots of other activities! Here are a few snapshots of their week. 

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Digital Writing

Image of Digital Writing

What is a word processor and what do we use it for?

This is a question we discussed this week and began learning how to write digitally using a word processor. We also learnt about the the speed of emails!

The children studied a keyboard and started to learn where the keys are and what they…

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What are they?

Image of What are they?

Our Eco monitors, who are Duke and Alex this week, have been kept busier than usual this week as they’ve had extra plants to care for! We already have two Peace Lillies, a fern, a succulent and a Spider Plant but this week I brought in there ‘mystery’ plants.

The groups of children have been…

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What would you pack in your Explorer’s Backpack?

Image of What would you pack in your Explorer’s Backpack?

To finish our history learning (looking at significant explorers in the past) we looked at a modern explorer this week. Zara Rutherford has just broken records to be the youngest woman at 19yrs old to fly around the world solo in a microlight this week. 

The children thought about where they…

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Reception’s learning

Image of Reception’s learning

Our Reception children have had a great week as you can see from the photos below. We have been busy winter explorers looking for winter birds and learning about the different birds we are likely to see during the winter months.

We have been exploring capacity by filling different containers…

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Amelia Earhart and Ibn Battuta

Image of Amelia Earhart and Ibn Battuta

Continuing our learning about significant explorers the children researched and learnt about Amelia Earhart the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 1932 and Ibn Battuta a scholar who travelled for 29 years exploring in the early 1300s. 

The children used iPads to research the…

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Bear Hunting

Image of Bear Hunting

This week we have begun our story writing based upon the fabulous story “We Are Going On A Bear Hunt” written by Michael Rosen linked to our theme ‘Explorers’. 

Most of the children are already familiar with the story and it is one of our favourites so we made it extra special by performing it…

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Jesus’ Special Friends

Image of Jesus’ Special Friends

Following our learning last week where we talked and wrote about what it meant to be a good friend and who are our friends, this week we learnt about Jesus’ special friends.

We told the story ‘The Calling of the Disciples’ Luke 5: 1-11, Luke 5: 27-28 and the children retold the story through…

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How Does Music Make the World a Better Place?

Image of How Does Music Make the World a Better Place?

In our music lessons this half term we are learning all about tempo and dynamics. We began by answering the question how does music make the world a better place and had a great discussion, here are some of their answers ...

” It makes me feel happy and wonderful inside” Nathaniel

” it’s…

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