Reception's Careful Counting!
Reception have been busy bees counting groups of items and playing lots of games that help with the recognition of the numerals 1-10. We have been jumping and counting, playing interactive games, playing matching games and singing different songs.
They are learning that careful counting is…
Lower School's New Handwriting
Year 1 and 2 have been so enthusiastic to learn our new handwriting! We are using a 'continuous cursive' style which means they are learning to form letters in a way that will help them join up letters in the future - when they are ready.
We started our journey with lots of fine motor skill…
Counting and comparing in Maths
Lower School love learning to count! We enjoy counting the dinner choices on a morning and comparing the numbers saying which one is the greatest / biggest / most and which one is the least / smallest. We enjoy counting out objects, counting on a number line, counting our toys...
We are…
We love learning to read and write!
Whilst Reception have been busy mark making, exploring stories and learning to form letters (S, A and T) Year 1 and 2 have been busy revising sounds, learning how to apply these sounds to blend for reading and learning how to segment for spelling words.
We want to 'BEAT OUR SCORE' every week…
Climbing, sliding, jumping, swinging...
Lower School were unbelievably excited to see the hall transformed with all the apparatus. They listened carefully to our safety rules before starting the timed rotations on the different apparatus. They supported one another with compassion and remembered our safety rules (including no jumping…
Phonics and Spelling Superstars!
Lower School have really risen to the weekly spelling challenges and are improving their scores week by week! Last week, Lower School enjoyed searching for various graphemes (written sounds) in the newspapers and a range of books. They also enjoyed the roll and write challenge to practise their…
Busy Bees playing games in PE
Lower School love their PE lessons with Corey! Last week, Lower School learnt how to listen to each other's instructions and pass a small ball carefully to one another. Well done, little ones!
Library Van Time!
We love visiting the Library Van (and the wonderful Glenys the Librarian!) and having the chance to explore the shelves and boxes for exciting new books to borrow!
Marvellous Maths!
Over the last few weeks, Lower School have been working incredibly hard on a variety of mathematical skills...
Year 2 have been busy reading and writing numbers to 100, recognising numbers in different representations, learning about the place value of numbers up to 100 and how we can partition…
Harvest Time!
Over the last few weeks, we have been learning about Harvest and trying to answer the big question: How can we help those who don't have a good harvest?
We started by discussing what Harvest means, then we have continued our learning by...enjoying the Harvest Church Service; exploring foods…
Thank you, Gail!
Lower School have been treated to a HOMEMADE...and incredibly awesome...STRETCHY BAND!!!
Thanks to the wonderful generosity and kindness of a talented local lady from our village - thank you so much Gail! :)
We absolutely loved exploring all of the different textures (although the pink…
A visit from The Jolly Postman!
The Jolly Postman came to visit!!!
In Lower School, we have been enjoying ANOTHER story - 'The Jolly Postman' by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. Much like Sunny in the Meerkat Mail, the main character goes on a journey...and we have been enjoying meeting all of the different characters who The Jolly…