US Exploring Technical Language

Image of US Exploring Technical Language

As part of our English topic, Upper School explored a range of technical words and phrases linked to finance, crime and the legal system, so they felt more comfortable applying these words in their writing. We played technical language bingo (children selected words at random from our list and…

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US Art - Artist’s Impressions

Image of US Art - Artist’s Impressions

Linked to our English topic - ‘The Three Little Pigs’ - we created artist’s impressions of related scenes (from the crime scene to court room).


Super job, Upper School!


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US Role Plays in English

Image of US Role Plays in English

As part of our ‘Three Little Pigs’ English topic, we have been exploring reports and how quotes are created and included in an article. To help the children generate relevant quotes, they had the opportunities to recreate scenes from and after an incident involving The Three Pigs. They used their…

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US PSHE Lesson 1 - Financial Risk

Image of US PSHE Lesson 1 - Financial Risk

Upper School did a fantastic job at exploring financial risk through discussions. We also discussed ways that they can make money and how they can save money too. 

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Year 6 Circles

Image of Year 6 Circles

As part of Year 6’s revision, we explored the parts of a circle (circumference, radius and diameter). To bring this to life, Year 6 also learnt how to draw circles using a protractor. After exploring various techniques, they were then ready to measure their circles. By setting their protractor…

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Upper School’s Art Gallery

Image of Upper School’s Art Gallery

What an incredible gallery of sculptures! Upper School loved setting up their final piece and choosing how they wanted it to be photographed….


We then enjoyed viewing all the captured gallery pictures on the big screen and sharing our thoughts on each piece. We were amazed by some of the…

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US Creating our sculptures

Image of US Creating our sculptures

Over the last few weeks, Upper School have worked brilliantly on their art sculptures - inspired by the art work of Joan Miro…


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US - exploring paper sculptures

Image of US - exploring paper sculptures

Using inspiration from Joan Miro’s drawings, paintings, ceramics and other sculptures, we began creating designs and prototypes for our very own sculptures.


We first considered where our sculpture would be stood so we had an idea of space and height. We then made some annotated drawing…

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US - Glow Dodgeball

Image of US - Glow Dodgeball

Well done to the children who represented Inskip last night at the Year 5/6 Glo Dodgeball at Garstang Community Academy.

We were so proud of your awesome team spirit and relentless energy…thank you for doing us all proud!


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US Art: creating Joan Miro sculptures

Image of US Art: creating Joan Miro sculptures

The Play-doh is out again!!! Yay!!!! 

Upper School decided which of Joan Miro’s statues they wanted to try and recreate using items to hand.

They were incredibly inventive using various objects as different tools and accessories.

We talked about strengthening our sculptures…which lead…

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US and LS Reading Buddies!

Image of US and LS Reading Buddies!

Upper School invited Lower School for an afternoon reading buddy session! It was GORGEOUS!!

Lower School read their books to their buddy and were asked questions too…

We then swapped to give Upper School the chance to read to their buddy too…

Looking forward to inviting Lower School back…

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US: Dance - Conveying characters

Image of US: Dance - Conveying characters

Over the last couple of weeks, Upper School have been exploring how to convey character’s feelings and emotions through a sequence of travels, turns, gestures and stillness…

The characters of focus are Robin Hood, Will, Marion and the Sheriff. Each have their own feelings which we have been…

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