Brilliant Poetry
Thank you for coming to show me your poem Freya, I think it is excellent!
Mrs Kemp
Ribchester Museum Visit
The children really enjoyed finding out about the Roman fort at Ribchester. They got to try on Roman armour and handle real Roman artefacts.
A Letter To Sing Together
I am really impressed with Rebecca’s writing she has written an excellent letter to the organisers of Sing Together.
Thank you for coming to read it to me Rebecca.
Mrs Kemp
Year 3 Measuring
Year 3 have been busy measuring with Miss Haynes. Today we measured our heights and put them in order.
A Fascinating Roman Visitor
What an amazing morning! We were lucky enough to be visited by a special Roman Visitor today, as part of our study of The Romans. During the morning we gained a unique insight into life as a Roman soldier and how life was in Roman times.
Freya said,
”This morning we had a visitor who taught…
I love Fractions!
Paige was very proud to show me her Maths work this morning. She thought that the activity of finding fractions of numbers would be too difficult, however she discovered that her hard work paid off and by the end of the lesson her confidence flowed!
Roman Shield Formations
This afternoon, Upper School children made good use of their shields to make Roman Shield formations, as were used during the days of the Roman Empire.
Although it was windy, the children enjoyed getting organised into The Wedge (an attacking formation) as well as The Orb, The Tortoise and The…
Freya our Star Climber
Freya is rightly a very proud member of a climbing club which she attends weekly.
On Saturday she placed 4th in a Northwest and Lake District climbing competition for 9 and 10 year olds.
We are very proud of you Freya!
The Romans came to Inskip
We've been busy researching Roman soldiers and recreated items of their armour, we noticed the symmetry of shields and imitated patterns from original Roman shields and standards.
Christmas Crafts
Upper School have been busy making beautiful Christmas wreaths with Mrs Law today.