Well done George
George brought his trophy in to school today to show everyone. He was presented with it at the Ripon Red junior football club presentation evening on Friday for having a good season! Well done George!
Welcome Jasmine!
Today Jasmine joined our school! We have all loved getting to know you Jasmine during your first day here and we were blown away by the model of the solar system you’d created at home to show us. Well done Jasmine we think you’ll fit in very well at Inskip!
Leaf Art
Year 3 have been busy creating leaf art, they’ve looked at textures and different shades of green to create a collage which they recreated in pencil form.
SATs are over!
We are so proud of the hard work and effort our four Year 6s have put into preparing for their SATs. Here they are at their ‘SATs are over’ celebration this morning!
Diary of a Disciple: Luke’s Story
Helen Lewis our wonderful Wonder Club leader, came in with her team from BSYW (Blackpool Schools and Youth Work) Sue Richards, Jackie Tracey and David Cornell, to deliver a super lesson to our Year 4s and Year 5s. The workshop was based on 'Diary of a Disciple: Luke's Story' by Gemma Willis and…
Pancake Day
This morning we held our very windy Pancake Dash. Everyone enjoyed constructing the pancakes with a range of toppings, then eating them!
Thank you to all family and friends for sponsoring our children.
See our photos below.
Christmas cards
The children of Upper School have been making wonderful Christmas cards for friends and family.
In PE this half term in Upper School we’re developing our hockey skills through lots of games and challenges.
Weeping Window comes to Inskip
Well done Upper School and Mrs Law for this fantastic installation at the front of school.
Remembrance Crafts in Upper School
The children in Upper School have been creating our own weeping window and poppy wreaths ready for Remembrance Sunday with Mrs Law and Mrs Allen. Look out for them appearing around school!
Years 5 and 6 enjoyed earning their Stages 1 and 2 Bikeability badges and certificates.
At Stage 1 the children had to prove they could control and master their bikes in a space away from traffic.
Level 2 took place on local streets. The children’s learning included recognising typical road…
End of Year 6 Play 2018
The Year 6s performed brilliantly for their families in their end of year play ‘I’m a Year 6 Get Me Out of Here!’
Plenty of tears were shed and lots of laughter had as parents and grandparents watched the children sing, dance and act.
Well done Year 6!