Christmas Crafts

Image of Christmas Crafts

Upper School have been busy making beautiful Christmas wreaths with Mrs Law today.

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Spelling Whizz!

Image of Spelling Whizz!

Well done to Leon in Year 4 for achieving full marks in EVERY spelling test this term! He’s our super speller!

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Christmas Play Rehearsals

Image of Christmas Play Rehearsals

The children are almost ready to present their fantastic production of Hosanna Rock!

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A morning of Mad Science

Image of A morning of Mad Science

What a great time Years 3 and 4 had this morning when we received a visit from the Mad Science team! Our theme was fossil fuels and during the session we learnt which were the fossil fuels,how long they take to form and under what conditions. We then tried to replicate this process using…

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Finding our way

Image of Finding our way

We have been improving our mapping skills in Upper School. As well as learning about symbols found on maps, we have also been learning how to use four and six figure grid references. Let’s hope we don’t get lost!

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Board Game Fun

The children in Upper School were busy on Monday making board games to play with Lower School. The themes of the games range from cupcakes to football, animals to mythical creatures!

The children have had great fun creating and playing their games with Year 1 and 2. This is the second year we…

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Sun awareness training

Image of Sun awareness training

This afternoon, Year 3 and 4 received training about sun protection ratings and how to keep safe in the sun, from Claire, a nurse. Now we just need some sunshine to put our knowledge into practise! ☀️


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French week

Image of French week

The whole of Upper School have been enjoying French Week. We have taken part in activities, games and  conversations to help us learn new vocabulary. We have also been finding out about France and its culture. On Wednesday we sampled a range of French bread, cheeses and pâté. C'était…

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Tudor Queens

Image of Tudor Queens

As part of our work on the Tudors, children in Upper School have been producing amazing portraits of the wives of Henry VIII. They will soon be displayed around school. Look out for them!

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Tudor Craft Day

Image of Tudor Craft Day

Whilst Years 5 and 6 were away at Winmarleigh Hall, Years 3 and 4 enjoyed some time working on Tudor crafts with Mrs Law and Miss Haynes. Look at our fabulous photos to see what we made!


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Author Visit

Image of Author Visit

We were so lucky to have a visit from Jill Reidy an author today. She told the class a little bit about herself (she is a photographer as well as an author) before reading us some exciting parts of her book 'All Change'. After listening to the story the children took part in a competition Jill has…

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Visit from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service

Today Year 5 and 6 have been visited by Lancashire Fire and Resue Service. In their first session about Fire Safety Awareness, the children tried to identify potential hazards and learnt what to do in the event of a house fire.

In the second session about Road Safety, the children increased…

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