Comic Relief
On Friday 21st March, Upper School had fun with Pete from Fleetwood Town AFC during lunchtime playtime. Instead of red noses, they held their tennis balls to help remind us it was Comic Relief Day. A total of eighteen children joined in playing tennis with Pete during…
Spring Flowers
Following on from their observational drawings of flowers for Mothering Sunday, the children have been trying to recreate flowers using cutting and folding paper techniques. They have begun to show some great creativity!
Ring-a ring o'roses
Since coming back to school last week, Upper School have been learning about the Great Plague of 1665-1666. There are some comparisons between the way families dealt with the Plague then and how we deal with Covid-19 now. Isolation has occurred both times as a way to control the spread but…
Fleetwood Academy PE Lessons
It’s been great to meet and work with Pete from Fleetwood this week. He has been teaching us and improving our tennis skills. He also organises great games to play during lunch time break.
Thanks also to all the parents who have provided outdoor and indoor PE kits for the very changeable…
Welcome back!
We are delighted to have everyone back to Upper School. Everyone has been working very hard and of course, all are pleased to see their friends again. We are especially pleased to welcome Henry to Upper School. He has settled in quickly and already has many new friends.
Upper School Frizbee Competition
The Upper School children from Year 6 and some Year 5s took part in an interschools’ Frizbee Competition at Weeton St Michael’s Primary School. They played really well in small teams of four and one of those teams were joint winners with Treales. Well done!
Out of school achievements
Well done to Emily in Year 5 on gaining your gymnastics Level 2 award.
Sing Together Rehearsals
A treat for Lower School this afternoon! We performed our medley of songs we have been learning for Sing Together and the Lower School children really enjoyed our singing.
Visit to St Peter’s Church
The Upper School class visited St Peter’s Church on Friday afternoon to continue their learning about the symbolism of baptism. Rev Paul very kindly talked to the children about what baptism is and how it takes place at St Peter’s Church. Some of the children also found their names in the…
Party Fun
This morning Upper School classes enjoyed their annual Christmas parties. Much fun was had by all as they played a variety of games, the favourite being an Egyptian themed game where the had to ‘mummify each other using toilet roll! The results were quite impressive!
Egyptian Escapades
Upper School have had a great term learning about the Ancient Egyptians. As well as finding out about Egyptian gods and daily life during the rule of the Pharaohs, the children particularly enjoyed learning about the process of mummification and Tutankhamun. Many children have made models of…
The Boy At The Back Of The Class
Year 5 and 6 children have been reading the powerful story called ‘The Boy At the Back Of The Class’. Today in Worship linking to our theme of compassion the children taught us about Syria and the troubles that the people who live there face.
The children helped us understand why many people…