Maths Fun!

Image of Maths Fun!

In Upper School each child regularly uses MyMaths and Mathletics. These are online learning tools to support mathematics learnt in lessons and provide a different format for learning which some children prefer or find challenging, as it provides a different format to our usual textbooks. All the…

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Maths Challenge

Image of Maths Challenge

This morning the Year 5s were set a challenge to work out what each letter stood for in the list of number sentences given to them on the whiteboard. 
through the use of their knowledge of the times tables and logical thinking, they worked brilliantly to work it out. Can you work them out?


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The Trojan Wars

Image of The Trojan Wars

In Upper School we have been learning about the war between the Greeks and the Trojans. This was a bitter war lasting more than ten years started when Helen (married to Menelaus, a Greek King) fled to Troy with Paris (a Trojan Prince). The battle that followed is said to have involved a thousand…

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Flower Art

Image of Flower Art

Over the past half term, the children have been carrying out a project on Flowers in our Art lessons. 
Today saw the conclusion of our wire sculpture work which has now been added to our paper flowers display and the children continued their project by going into the school grounds to observe and…

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Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece

See the source image


As part of our study of Ancient Greece, Upper School have been learning about Greek Gods and Goddesses. We have found out many interesting facts about them and what they had control over. Zeus was King of the Gods and lived on Mount Olympus. One of his daughters was called Athena. She was…

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Tractor Run for Charlie

Image of Tractor Run for Charlie

A tractor run has been organised for this Friday evening in memory of local boy Charlie Robinson. 

In support of this event, the children in Upper School helped to decorate the tree at the bottom of the school drive with ribbons.

We hope they raise lots more money for the Brain Tumour…

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Bug Hunt!

Image of Bug Hunt!

The sun finally shone for our invertebrates survey this afternoon around the school grounds. 
The children worked in groups of three to investigate a particular micro-habitat and used a pocket ID book to work out what sort of invertebrate they had found. There were lots of flies and bees out…

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Let’s Go Sing

Image of Let’s Go Sing

The children in Middle and Upper School are taking part in a virtual ‘Sing Together’ performance this term as it has not been possible to join the other schools from around Lancashire for a real concert at King George’s Hall as we normally do. Instead, we are learning four songs and will be video…

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Teams Talk!

Image of Teams Talk!

Not only have our children become used to meeting up on screen during lockdown, this week for the first time, 'Parents' Evenings' are also being held remotely via Teams! We still view this as a great opportunity to give feedback to parents about progress and targets.

Despite this, we still look…

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Flower Sculptures

Image of Flower Sculptures

The children in Year 5/6 completed their paper flowers which are now on display in the classroom. To follow on from this, we began designing and making wire sculptures of flowers. 
It was really fiddly but really rewarding when we could start to see the flower shapes coming together. 


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St George’s Day

Image of St George’s Day

Some of the children in KS2 came into school in their scouts or brownies uniform today in celebration of St George’s Day -the English Patron Saint.
Legend has it that George slew a dragon and we like to think that we have slain our own dragons in school today through perseverance and hard work in…

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Year 6 blog

Image of Year 6 blog

We play a game called tip the can at playtime.  It is like manhunt and hide and seek. You need more than 3 people to play this game. 

There is one seeker who counts to sixty while the others hide. Then the seeker goes to find the others. While they are seeking, the others have to try and get to…

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