In Upper School each child regularly uses MyMaths and Mathletics. These are online learning tools to support mathematics learnt in lessons and provide a different format for learning which some children prefer or find challenging, as it provides a different format to our usual textbooks. All the children have their own login details and passwords and can also access these at home. Each programme provides support in the form of sequenced questions, challenging activities and also games which require the application of maths skills learnt.
H said that he liked how on Mathletics your answers ae marked straightaway so you know how you're getting on.
R said on MyMaths, the homework tasks teach you step-by-step how to do the calculations.
I said that Mathletics is really fun. The games are great and hide the maths so you don't realise you are doing it!
S and H said that the games on each really help to learn and use times tables.