Will It Sink?

Image of Will It Sink?

We had so much fun investigating floating and sinking! Inspired by the story ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’ by John Burningham the children used their scientific investigation skills as they made boats and tested to see how many animals their boat could hold before it sank. 

Firstly we reflected back…

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Wheels In Action

Image of Wheels In Action

Over a number of lessons the children have designed and built some fantastic vehicles modelled on the car in the story ‘Mr Gumpy’s Motor Car’ by John Burningham. 

They have learnt so many new skills which they practised again and again as some decided to extend their original designs and…

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How many?

Image of How many?

Each year group in Lower School have been learning how to measure in different ways over the past two weeks. They have been exploring, length, height, mass, capacity, volume and temperature through a variety of activities. Here are a few photos showing a snapshot of some of the activities…

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Literacy Fun

Image of Literacy Fun

In Lower School we play lots of games to help the learning ‘stick’ every week, it’s never easy to take photos of the learning as we move speedily and I’m always enjoying the learning with the children! However here are a few of a splat game we played this week as we were learning how to use…

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Micro habitats

Image of Micro habitats

On Thursday the children used their scientific skills to go and find what lives in different micro habitats. They did lots of observing, questioning, hypothesising and recorded their findings. 

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Local Habitat

Image of Local Habitat

This week in science the children learnt about the different types of habitats animals can live in. Then we went outside exploring the local habitat around our school. The children drew a map of the area and then we listed the names of all the animals that may live there.


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The Owl and The Pussy-Cat

Image of The Owl and The Pussy-Cat

We have been studying the poem “The Owl and The Pussy-Cat” written by Edward Lear. The children have been learning the poem and they have done lots of great writing inspired by the poem. Take a look at these photos where the Year 2 children were taking the roles of an interviewer interviewing the…

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DT How do wheels work?

Image of DT How do wheels work?

We began our design and technology project this week and in our first two sessions the children investigated wheels and axles. The children looked closely at wheels before having a go at attaching wheels to an axle and a basic chassis to deepen their understanding. In our next sessions the…

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Reception’s Learning Summer Wk1

Image of Reception’s Learning Summer Wk1

Our Reception children have had a great first week back in school after the Easter holidays. They have been doing some super sentence writing, using their phonics well and forming their letters well. They have been doing lots of number work and measuring in maths and have been learning through…

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Image of Measuring

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have all had fun learning how to measure this week. Working towards the different learning objectives for their year groups they’ve developed their understanding through lots of different activities. Take a look at these photos to see some of their…

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Easter Greetings

Image of Easter Greetings

Our Year One and Two children made some beautiful cards to give to their families this weekend. They drew some spectacular rabbits following Rob Biddulph the author and illustrator’s tutorial on #drawwithrob. 


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Special Visitors

Image of Special Visitors

We’d like to say a HUGE thank you to Mrs Fox, Reagan’s mum and Reagan for bringing five lambs and Reagan’s two pet rabbits Coffee and Toffee to visit us. It was an amazing hands-on experience for the children to learn about caring for animals.

I was extremely proud of the children who listened…

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