Easter Cards

Image of Easter Cards

Our Reception children have made some beautiful Easter cards. After learning about why we celebrate Easter they made a scene celebrating new life. 

Here are a few photos of the children starting the finger painting …

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Super Learners

Image of Super Learners

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

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Year 2’s Arrays

Image of Year 2’s Arrays

Year 2 are learning about multiplication and division in maths at the moment. This week they were exploring arrays. 


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Creating Stories

Image of Creating Stories

Our Reception children have been very busy learning this week. They have been doing all sorts of different activities here is a photo of them after they had created a whole world which they used to tell some fantastic stories.

Well done Reception superstars!

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Mother’s Day 2024

Image of Mother’s Day 2024

After learning about the tradition of Mothering Sunday we talked about how and why we celebrate our Mums now. The children made their Mums a special card with some lovely messages in them ready to give them on Sunday.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mums out there. 

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World Book Day 2024 LS

Image of World Book Day 2024 LS

We had so much fun this year, we enjoy reading so much that it was a treat to devote a whole day to the joy of books!

We began our day by sharing our favourite books that we had brought from home with the whole class. After we’d shared them the children chose to either draw the front cover of…

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Terrible Recipes

Image of Terrible Recipes

Inspired by the book ‘Billy and the Beast’ that we are reading the children have written their own recipes similar to the one we think the Beast was following to make his Terrible Soup. The children have been learning how to spell regular and irregular plurals and were asked to include great…

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Phonics Fun

Image of Phonics Fun

We love learning new sounds in Lower School, we have phonics sessions every morning and then practice our new phonics learning all through the day. 


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Billy and the Beast

Image of Billy and the Beast

The break in to our classes by a mysterious beast we had last week reminded me of a great story I have called  Billy and the Beast by Nadia Shireen. So this week we have been reading it and doing some great learning inspired by the story. The children have been improving the grammar and…

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Spring Maths

Image of Spring Maths

We have been learning about number in all different ways this week. Our flowers have grown quickly as we have been taking care of them and noticing the changes in height as they grow. We have been doing lots of counting to twenty and improving our fine motor skills in Reception and Year One. Take…

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Becoming scientists

Image of Becoming scientists

We love learning about the world around us, in Lower School we talk about why we are doing a task, why are we learning a particular thing. In science we are exploring the topics of animals and plants thinking of how this learning will help us in life and may inspire the children to have a career…

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Maths Snapshots

Image of Maths Snapshots

We learn so much maths in one week, all three year groups cover different areas. Take a look at these photographs to see a snapshot of what we have been learning…


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