Schools In The Past

Image of Schools In The Past

Did you know that during Victorian times there could be up to 60 children in a class? That meant that 5 children would have to share just two chairs. We tried it! As you can see from the main photo we found that it would be very tricky to concentrate so squished and very difficult to write!


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Superb Stories

Image of Superb Stories

Upper School are experiencing a ‘fiction frenzy’! As well as our new class novel Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (which we are thoroughly enjoying so far), we are enthused by the new books that we recently have in school.  Titles such as Once Upon a Crime, Robin Hood, The Boy Who Flew With…

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Rainforest Collage

Image of Rainforest Collage

We have been inspired by Henri Rousseau's art work of the rainforest and of all the different shapes, colours and sizes that he uses in his pieces. 
We decided to use this to inspire some collages. 
We considered how Rousseau layered his work to give it depth and how he made the animals in his…

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Our plant investigation

Image of Our plant investigation

For the past few weeks the children have been looking at plants in science. We learned about all of the key things that plants need to grow and thrive and decided to set up an experiment to test what would happen if plants did not have some of these things. 
This week we checked on our results…

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Space week!

Image of Space week!

This week has been space week...

We decided to spend some time in our science lesson learning a little about space. We looked at where we live in our universe and some of the other things that are out there in space! Children learned about the solar system and that we orbit around the sun. 

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Wash Day Maths

Image of Wash Day Maths

Our Reception children have been learning about matching and sorting in maths using lots of different resources. I think their favourite activity has been matching and sorting the socks into pairs after ‘washing’ them in our new Casdon Toys washing machine!  Not only did the children talk about…

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Autumn Finds

Image of Autumn Finds

What can you see?  

This has been the question the children have been asked and asking each other whilst they have investigated all the autumn treasures in this tuff tray in the main photograph above. There has been a lot of learning and interesting discussion that has been great to listen to…

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Pumpkin Patch

Image of Pumpkin Patch

This week one of our activities to improve our fine motor skills has been at the Pumpkin Patch in our classroom!

We have been talking about signs of Autumn in other activities and looking at these different squashes. The children have used crayons to draw the different squashes looking closely…

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Science -Dissolving Materials

Image of Science -Dissolving Materials

In Upper School the children have been conducting their own experiments to test the best conditions for dissolving materials. Some of the children came up with good ideas for how to do that such as changing the temperature of the water, the amount of water, the type of container…In the end, we…

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The Ancient Maya

Image of The Ancient Maya

In History this term, Upper School are learning about the Ancient Maya, a civilisation from an area called Mesoamerica made up of parts of Mexico and other parts of Central America. 

The Mayas built amazing cities. Even though they lived in different cities, ruled by different kings and queens,…

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Investigating plants

Image of Investigating plants

Continuing our science topic of plants, the children have begun their investigations to find out what would happen to plants if one of the vital things they needed was removed.
Children took turns to rotate around tables and make their predictions for each plant.
We then set the plants up ready…

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Science-Dissolving Materials

Image of Science-Dissolving Materials

This week’s Science lesson explored the vocabulary of dissolving materials. We found out the meaning of dissolve, soluble and insoluble through testing whether 8 different materials dissolve in room temperature water. 
The children made predictions about what they thought would happen to each…

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