This afternoon, Upper School children did a tasting activity to investigate different types of biscuits. 
They analysed the amount of fat, sugar and salt in each type of biscuit and then made judgments about the taste, healthiness and presentation. 
It was really interesting to look at the different amounts of nutrition in similar types of biscuit. It was also really interesting to see how much sugar and fat there was in biscuits in general! 
All the children agreed that less sugar didn’t necessarily mean less taste. 
They also all agreed that the salt didn’t need to be present at all!
Presentation was important to the whole class and the Paterson’s Shortbread came out on top for that,  the taste and healthiness. 

Next week, the class will be looking at a healthier biscuit recipes and making some biscuits for the whole school to try. 

DT-investigating biscuits