Odgen Trust Team Challenges

Image of Odgen Trust Team Challenges

We had a fantastic visit from the Ogden Trust team yesterday afternoon! Mhairi and her colleagues came to work with Year 5/6 on some ‘Team Challenges’ which concluded our PE topic for this half term. 
The class enjoyed working in large and small groups to solve puzzles and complete tasks set.…

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Image of Ducklings!

We were so excited this morning when Mrs Wright (Leo’s mum) brought in their duckling incubator. They have been looking after five eggs for the past few weeks and now three have hatched! One also hatched whilst we were in school! It was fascinating to watch the babies and see the new life…

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Science - Adaptation

Image of Science - Adaptation

For our Evolution topic this week, the class were learning about adaptation. To explore this theme, we carried out a Cepaea snail survey around the grounds of the school. Cepaea snails can be found in most parts of the UK and there are several different varieties to be found according to the…

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PE- Team Work and Problem Solving

Image of PE- Team Work  and Problem Solving

One of our topics in PE this half term is Outdoor and Adventurous Activities which includes problem solving and team work. In our first session, the children were given challenges such as getting a hoop all the way around the group without the circle being broken and working together to stay on a…

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Let’s Go Sing 2024

Image of Let’s Go Sing 2024

Here we are at Let’s Go Sing! 

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Stem- Cyber Challenge

Image of Stem- Cyber Challenge

Today we had the pleasure of a visit from STEM First and Fylde Coast Physics during our science lesson. They set the class a challenge to work out who was hacking the internet and ‘rescue Hansel and Gretel from the Witch’.

The children worked brilliantly in groups of 4 to work out the clues…

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PE-Rugby Skills

Image of PE-Rugby Skills

The class are doing so well with their learning of tag rugby skills. Today they learnt how to attack and defend the ball in a competitive way through small team games. They practised throwing and catching accurately and gave each other tips for how to intercept the ball more effectively. We are…

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RE- Confirmation

Image of RE- Confirmation

Today Rev Paul visited our class to talk to the children about what Confirmation is all about. The children made paper aeroplanes and tested how far they flew to understand the idea that we can only get so far without ‘fuel’ and in this case the ‘fuel’ is following what Jesus taught. 
Rev. Paul…

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Oliver’s Challenge!

Image of Oliver’s Challenge!

We are so thrilled for Oliver as when he set himself the challenge of a new Rubik’s cube, we didn’t realise it was going to be so big! A 15 by 15 cube is a real achievement and it only took him three days, spending about an hour a day completing it. He said, “It was actually really easy! It just…

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Coding Careers Talk

Image of Coding Careers Talk

We had a fantastic visit from some very clever and lovely students from Lancaster University Physics Department. They came to talk to Middle School and Upper School about Coding and some careers that the children might want to consider for their futures which involve coding. 
The children were…

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Science- measuring objects in Newtons and Kilograms

Image of Science- measuring objects in Newtons and Kilograms

Today in Science, the children learnt about gravity and what we measure the force of gravity in. They used newton meters to weigh objects in newtons and then compared that with the mass of the objects in grams or kilograms. The children noticed a pattern between newtons and grams. Jack said that…

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RE-Church Visit

Image of RE-Church Visit

The Upper School class have been learning about The Eucharist (Holy Communion) in our RE lessons this half term so today we walked down to church to learn a bit more from Rev Paul. He taught us about how special Communion is to Christians and we learnt about the symbols and artefacts used during…

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