
Image of Gymnastics

Middle school have continued with their gymnastics, using balance and movement to traverse objects. Children have balanced along thin surfaces such as the bench and use their bodies to steady themselves into different balances on different points. Children have also had the chance to try moving…

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Helping out in the home

Image of Helping out in the home

Casdon Toys have given us all these fabulous toys for the home corner as part of an initiative called 'Helping Out In The Home Corner' and the children were so excited! As our topic this half term is called 'The Place Where I Live' and we have been learning lots of new things that are around the…

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Creation - Day 3

Image of Creation - Day 3

In our RE lesson this week with Helen we reminded ourselves of what we as Christians believe happened on the first and second days of Creation then we learnt what happened on Day 3!

We thought about our wonderful Harvest service we had been to in church on Sunday and remembered what we had been…

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Self Portraits 2021

Image of Self Portraits 2021

Following our PSHE learning looking at diversity the children spent some time looking closely at their faces in mirrors and noticing what made them unique.  Then they drew a self portrait. 

They took their time to try matching different colours of crayons to their own skin tone by placing them…

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RE-Life as a Journey

Image of RE-Life as a Journey

The children in Upper School have been learning about how we can see our lives as journeys and the different kinds of journeys people make and choose. We have followed Jesus’ life journey reading from the Gospels in the Bible and finding the places he visited on a map of Israel. 
Today we were…

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Creative Computing!

Image of Creative Computing!

Last week, Upper School were learning how to create Vector drawings in computing by layering shapes to produce images. Even after our first lesson, they created some impressive results! Year 5 and 6 are very enthusiastic and excited by vector drawing and we can't wait to see what we can achieve…

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Image of Happy!

Upper School have been working hard to learn how to play our class set of glockenspiels and also how to read musical notation. Today we rehearsed and performed the instrumental parts for the song Happy by Pharrell Williams. It’s not as easy as you think to read the music, play accurately and keep…

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In the Jungle...

Image of In the Jungle...

In English lessons this week the children have begun to think about the stories we will be writing. We used images of the rainforest as well as sounds of the rainforest to take ourselves on an immersive and descriptive journey to write about our setting. Children came up with some amazing…

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Solving conflict role play

Image of Solving conflict role play

In our PSHE lessons we have been focusing on friendships and relationships. We considered what it meant to be a good friend last week and thought about how we should act towards our friends. This week we thought about what we could do if it became difficult to be a good friend because of the…

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Investigating flowers

Image of Investigating flowers

Children have continued their investigation into plants this week by dissecting a flowers and separating the parts inside that we found. Children built on their previous knowledge from last week of plant parts used in pollination and plant reproduction. 
Many children even began using big words…

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What is the same and different about us?

Image of What is the same and different about us?

This half term in our PSHE lessons we are exploring ideas around the question 'what is the same and what is different about us?' within the theme of relationships.  We are looking at ourselves and others; similarities and differences; individuality and our bodies. 

Have a look at these photos…

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Katie Morag Stories

Image of Katie Morag Stories

This week we have begun to look at stories with a familiar setting. 

As our topic this half term is called 'The Place Where I Live' I decided that we would base our English learning around the Katie Morag stories as they are about a little girl and the place where she lives in Scotland. 


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