Number Stars
So much great learning is happening everyday in Lower School, we are so busy I often don’t get chance to take photos! Here are a few of our clever Reception children writing numbers 1 to 5.
Vet Visit
We were very lucky this week when Sam, Luca and Rafa’s Daddy came into school to tell us all about his job being a vet. It was a great way to round off our science learning about animals this half term.
We learnt more about how to look after our pets at home, the dangers that face them and how…
Art-Printing and Drawing
Over the last couple of Art lessons, Upper School have been preparing a space themed piece using a printed background using their own hand made print plate and then adding space themed details with a different media such as chalk, charcoal, pastels and pens. The gallery shows the process the…
Week 6 Art in M.School
Middle School have been busy creating drawings in the style of Cave Art. After discussing how important animals were during the Stone Age times and how they featured within Cave Art, we had thought about which animals would be featured now for people to enjoy in 5000 years. Using the examples,…
English-The Arrival Role Plays
The children really enjoyed watching and reading the next section of our book, The Arrival, when the main character gets off the ship and is taken into a registration building like the one on Ellis Island in New York. They role played the scene with one child being the immigration officer and one…
MacMillan Cake Sale
A massive thank you to all the parents who baked or bought cakes for our very special MacMillan Cancer Support cake sale. The children in Year 5/6 had great fun getting it all ready and then bought lots of yummy treats at the end of the school day. We had such a lot of cakes provided that there…
Blackpool Zoo 2024
We have had ‘the best day ever’ today at Blackpool Zoo! We have been learning about animals in science and hit and cold places in geography so went out on a visit to get some first hand knowledge and experiences.
Take a look at these photographs of our day…
English-Recreating a scene from The Arrival
Today in English, the class began looking at chapter 2 of The Arrival. We discussed the story so far and the symbolism of the illustrations. Using the people on the ship picture, we created a freeze frame and then each character was ‘woken up’ in the picture to tell us who they were, where they…
Week 5 English in M.School
This week in English, Middle School have been thinking about the purpose of adverts and how they are successful at grabbing attention.
In our story - ‘Stig of the Dump’ by Clive King - Barney and Stig are being very resourceful with items and tools…so we worked on creating adverts to sell…
Week 5 Science in M.School
Our learning journey has continued in Science as we explored gases this week.
First of all, the children had to predict which of the bottles of liquid would have the most ‘fizz’. They ordered them from least to most and then listened carefully to detect the differences in ‘fizz’ as the…
Week 5 PE in M.School
This week in Dance, Middle School took inspiration from various pieces of Cave Art to create sequences and stills. To begin with, they used travel, height, shape, speed and movements to represent painting, hunting, being hunted…
After carefully listening to a piece of music, we discussed a…
Week 5 Maths in M.School
This week, Middle School have continued their learning journey in Maths by deepening their understanding of place value. We have focused on partitioning and how this can be done in flexible, multiple ways. We have used various models, visuals and concrete resources to help with our understanding.