DT- Stuffed Toys
Some more of the Upper School’s hand designed and sewn stuffed toys…
Super writers
A snapshot of our phonics and handwriting learning today …
Christmas Numbers
Our Reception and Year 1 children have been deepening and exploring their understanding of number with some fun, Christmas themed activities this week.
Take a look at these photos …
A Visit from the Fire Service
Our Year 2 children had a visit from Lancashire Fire and Rescue service today and learnt how to keep safe if there is a fire.
Thank you very much to Scott and Karen for taking the time to visit us!
Science-How we see colour
In Science this week, the children furthered their learning about light by finding out about colour and why we see different colours. We learnt about reflected and absorbed colours from light hitting objects. The children experimented with coloured filters to see what happened to the colours of…
DT-stuffed toys
The Upper School children have been studying the 1960s this term and found out about toys that children played with. As part of that topic, we designed and made our own stuffed toys.
The children learnt how to blanket stitch during their work and used previously learnt running stitch to add…
Year 6 Confirmation Service
On Monday 25th November, at Inskip,St Peter’s Church, three of our current Year 6 children (and a former pupil, Sian) were confirmed into the church by Bishop Phillip from Blackburn Cathedral. It was a beautiful and very spiritual service with the children all taking part confidently and with…
PE-Earthlings Dance
For the past three weeks, the Upper School class have been developing a dance based on our theme of Earth in Space. Each section of the dance explores a different idea and uses free form dance techniques such as union work, paired dances, freeze frames, group work, follow the leader, mirroring and…
Science-The colour of light
Today in our Science lesson, the children explored what colour light is. At the start of the session, they all stood in a place in the classroom and pointed at the colour they thought light was. Most children thought it was white or had no colour and was transparent.
Next we had a recap about…
Middle School’s Jar of Kindness
As part of our PSHE topic on respect, we took part in Anti-Bullying Week (11th Nov - 15th Nov).
Middle School were given challenges throughout the week:
Listen out for someone using kind words…
Look out for someone using kind actions…
Middle School also discussed ways we could explore…
Middle School - Comparing Numbers
We have continued to deepen our understanding of place value by comparing numbers.
We had some phone calls with Tiny Turtle, who thought that the starting digit was the only thing you needed to use to compare.
He thought 923 was greater than 1324. After lots of reasoning and super…
Middle School’s Boccia Continues!
Wow! Middle School have made unbelievable progress in Boccia!
In our last lesson, we had to make a ‘plan’ and share this before sending the ball. Some children planned to throw and land nearer to the Jack than other balls. Some children planned to go on the attack by rolling towards the…