Stories Jesus Heard When He Was A Child

Image of Stories Jesus Heard When He Was A Child

We have started this term thinking about stories from the Old Testament, learning that these are the stories would have heard as he was growing up. 

The children learnt about the story of Moses when he was put in a basket and pushed out into the River Nile by his mother. This was a great act…

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Christmas Magic

Image of Christmas Magic

We have had a very special day today, a delicious Christmas dinner cooked by Mrs Billington, our Lower School Christmas party and then a visit from Father Christmas with presents for all the children in his sack! 


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Merry Christmas 2024

Image of Merry Christmas 2024

Merry Christmas to all our fantastic families in Lower School, thank you for all your support this term!

Here are the children’s beautiful collages Christmas Tree cards they have made for their families this year. Take a look at the previous blog post to see how the children created their…

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Printing and painting

Image of Printing and painting

We have been learning lots of art skills by painting and printing. In preparation for making Christmas tree collages the children firstly learnt how to create a ‘wash’ using paint, painting over wax drawings of snowflakes to create a background winter scene. 

Then the children printed with a…

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Hosanna Rocks 2024

Image of Hosanna Rocks 2024

Congratulations to all our fantastic children who performed in our Christmas nativity story this year! We are so proud of all of you.

Here are some photographs of Lower School children …



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Christmas Tricky Word Writing

Image of Christmas Tricky Word Writing

We have been busy learning how to read and spell our ‘tricky’ words and make sentences up with them in!


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Frohe Weihnachten!

Image of Frohe Weihnachten!

Upper School enjoyed some Christmas games to practise a range of German vocabulary from across this half term. We enjoyed trying to roll a Christmas Tree and decorating with various weather-themed decorations from blusters of der Wind for tinsel and neblig baubles of fog to die Sonne (the sun) at…

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Christmas Chains, Teamwork and Sing-a-longs!

Image of Christmas Chains, Teamwork and Sing-a-longs!

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Middle School’s Incredible Fire Morning

Image of Middle School’s Incredible Fire Morning

Thank you so much to Claire for joining us for the morning to bring our Stone Age exploration to life! We learnt about how they would have lit fires, particularly towards the end of the Stone Age with the discovery of metal. We learnt how they would have kept fires going and how they would have…

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Middle School - learning previous and next multiples of ten

Image of Middle School - learning previous and next multiples of ten

Middle School have been exploring more place value language to help them understand the concept of rounding. We have been learning the previous and next multiples of ten and celebrating any marvellous mistakes made! 

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Boccia Final Tournament!

Image of Boccia Final Tournament!

Well done, Middle School! You absolute super stars! 

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Stig of the Dump

Image of Stig of the Dump

Middle School absolutely loved watched the Stig of the Dump series and were brilliant at comparing the characters and events to the story we have read. They were completely spell-bounded by the ending and overcome with emotions. Such a wonderful story now part of Middle School’s learning journey,…

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