Roman Day!

Image of Roman Day!

Today the children finished up their Roman topic in History with a Roman day. 
We began the morning with a 'Maths Mosaic' where children had to solve problems to find out how many squares of each colour to make - they then had to work out which colours went where on their pictures. This was made…

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Faith Friends - Reverend Paul

Image of Faith Friends - Reverend Paul

This week we were very lucky to receive a visit from Reverend Paul who shared with us about his time in Tanzania. 

The children loved asking questions about what brought him there and what it was like for him. We learned that he was called by God to Tanzania to visit the people and their…

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Image of Compositions

Children have put down the ukuleles this week to try their hand at the glockenspiel!

We have been learning about musical notation and how to read and write music - glockenspiels are an excellent way to hear each note. 
This week, children wrote their own very short compositions. These were all…

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Image of Torches

We have rounded off our DT and Science topics this week by completing our torches.

Children created the housing for their torches using plastic bottles. They created a reflector using tin foil and they wired up a circuit with a switch to make their torches turn on and off. 

Finally, children…

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The Broken Washing Machine

Image of The Broken Washing Machine

Our latest mini-topic in German is the broken washing machine, which focuses on clothes! 

This week, the children found items of clothing in the washing basket and described them. 

Year threes can explain what piece of clothing it is and what colour it is.

Year fours can explain a piece…

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Measuring Area

Image of Measuring Area

This week in maths the children began looking at area. 
This short topic had them begin by counting squares and progress onto measuring and finding the area of rectilinear objects in the classroom.

Finding the area of objects takes a lot of maths skill! 

You need to be able to measure…

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Author Visit!

Image of Author Visit!

This week, middle school was able to take part in a very special event!

Author A.F Steadman came to visit our school! 

The children all got to listen to her tell them all about the magical world inside of her fantasy book series Skandar the Unicorn Thief, where they learned that unicorns…

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Image of Shopping!

Last week we began looking at money in maths. This meant we could set up our shop! The pictures show some of the children who bought items from the shop using their coins, or who had to give change as the shopkeeper. 

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Image of Gymnastics

Middle school have enjoyed making and learning their own gymnastic sequences using the apparatus in PE over the last few weeks. 
The children have been very creative in both their solo balances and group balances.

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La Voyage Dans La Lune

Image of La Voyage Dans La Lune

In English the children have been reading The Invention of Hugo Cabret.  We reached the very exciting part of the story where the automaton revealed it's secret message... and it was a picture of the moon from the 1902 film 'La Voyage Dans La Lune' or a journey to the moon

We decided to watch…

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Movie Magic

Image of Movie Magic

As part of our look at scripts, middle school children have been learning and reading out scripts. 
However, this is more than just a performance on a stage... using their editing skills learned from geography last term, children are turning these scripts into short films which they are having a…

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Let's Go Sing

Image of Let's Go Sing

Middle school children enjoyed going up to upper school for our let's go sing practice. We learned the second half of our songs and did incredibly well for a first time hearing them!

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