Did you know?

Image of Did you know?

Did you know? ...


The best time to see a Barn Owl is in the day at dusk.  


The Little Owl bobs its head up and down when it is alarmed (frightened).


Can you find out some more facts to add to our 'Did you know?' list?

Click on these links to find information ...

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Growth and Green Fingers

Image of Growth and Green Fingers

Last term our topic was Growth and Green Fingers and as part of our science learning all the Year 1 and 2 children planted a broad bean seed. We 'planted' the beans in old CD cases which gave us a fabulous opportunity to see the roots and shoot develop. The chidlren all kept a diary of the changes…

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Maths Homework

Image of Maths Homework

In Year One this term we are learning;


  • To recognise and know the different denominations of coins and notes. Please let your children use real coins and notes and play shop with them.
  • Tell the time to the hour and half past the hour.
  • To recognise and name common 2D and 3D…
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Claude Monet

Image of Claude Monet



We have studied the work of the French artist called Oscar-Claude Monet who was born in 1840. He was a founder of Impressionist painting.  This style of painting is named after Monet's painting, Impressions, Sunrise, which he exhibited in 1874. We learnt…

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Birthdays Now and Then

Image of Birthdays Now and Then

In our topic ‘Family Album’ we are learning about the past. Today Mr Proctor came to visit us and talked about what birthdays were like for him when he was a little boy. He is a very young looking 73 and talked about his 7th birthday in 1950 and other birthdays around that age.  First we thought…

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Happy Birthday!

Image of Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Isobella and Luke! Both are 7 years old today.

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Maths is easy when you know your times tables!

Working with numbers becomes a lot easier when you have learnt your times tables! To learn them you simply have to remember them, we have to train our memory to remember them.

By the end of Year Two it is a statutory requirement within the national curriculum for number that children should…

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Fire Safety

Image of Fire Safety

Years 2 and 3 had a visit from the Morecambe Fire and Rescue Service today. They were taught how to make an emergency plan for their home, how to make an emergency phone call, how to be safe if a fire occurs and they also had a chance to dress up!

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Image of Eureka!

All Lower School had a fantastic time at Eureka on Wednesday, learning about how our bodies work and being involved in a 'Destination Space' workshop, looking at life on the International Space Station, firing rockets, space walking and learning what happens to our waste products!

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'Astronaut Challenge' Set by Tim Peake

Image of 'Astronaut Challenge' Set by Tim Peake

All the children in Lower School have this week completed a challenge set by British Astronaut, Tim Peake. They have built space structures, carried out a space sports activity and tried some special space food sent from NASA!

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