Super Swimmer

Image of Super Swimmer

Well done Bethan, what a super swimmer you are for swimming 25m backstroke. We are very proud of you.

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Word Processing Whizzes!

Image of Word Processing Whizzes!

I’m so proud of the children and their attitude to learning this morning, well done Year 1 and 2. 

They have been creating a book for our school library. To present the information they have researched about Christopher Columbus they have worked in pairs and word processed the…

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Super Gymnast

Image of Super Gymnast

Great listening and great progress meant that Amelia was a star Gymnast today, well done!

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Explorer Lesson Activities

Image of Explorer Lesson Activities

Follow these links for your research ... 

    about  Christopher Columbus

Think ... What do we already know about him? 

Where have we seen information so far? 

Where else could we look?

What sort of pictures will we be able to use?  

Click on these links to different websites…

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Spring Gardening

Image of Spring Gardening

Reception had a good tidy up time in our garden area this morning. They cleared out the weeds and turned over the soil in our tyres that we had grown potatoes and wild flowers in last year. Then they planted some bulbs and shrubs in the wooden trough planters. They learnt new things and showed…

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Exploring exploration!

Image of Exploring exploration!

We have had a fantastic and interesting afternoon today, thanks to Adrian Worrell who came to visit us. He dressed as Ernest Shackleton the polar explorer and took us through the ages of exploration thinking of why people explored, how they did it, when and what they did when they got to the lands…

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What a Wow Writer!

Image of What a Wow Writer!

I was greeted just now by a very proud Isaac who wanted to show me his super story writing. He's thought up and used some great ideas and told the whole story. Mrs Kemp and I are very proud of you Isaac!

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Superstar Reader!

Image of Superstar Reader!

MIllie is a superstar reader, I loved hearing you read your book just now Millie, well done! 


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Little Red Riding Hood's Lost Cakes

Image of Little Red Riding Hood's Lost Cakes

Something unusual happened the other day in the EYFS classroom, the children had a visit from an upset Little Red Riding Hood who hadn't enough cakes to take to her poorly grandma. She had been skipping across our field to get to her Grandma’s cottage and they must have fallen out of her basket as…

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Designing A Moon Buggy for Bob

Image of Designing A Moon Buggy for Bob

As part of our Explorers topic we are doing a design and technology project where we are learning about mechanisms, in particular wheels and axles.

We have been reading the stories about Bob, the man on the moon, written by Simon Bartram and have decided to design and make a vehicle for Bob to…

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Super Movers!

Image of Super Movers!

We love to move around whilst we learn, it helps us remember our learning and keeps us fit. Today we were jumping up the ladder counting in 2s,5s and 10s. Year 2s were also jumping and counting in odd numbers, then even numbers and sometimes switching from one to the other! 

Well done Year 1…

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Image of Drama

Great drama lesson today, as part of our learning towards writing an explorer story the children acted out different parts of the story ‘Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bartram after they enjoyed some drama warm up games.

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