Welcome Back, Corey!

Image of Welcome Back, Corey!

This term, we welcome back Corey from Fleetwood who will be teaching the children PE skills. We look forward to playing the games and learning the skills he will be teaching us over the coming half term. Today we played attack and defence games and showed him all the useful skills we learnt last…

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Science -Electrical voltage

Image of Science -Electrical voltage

Today the children began a new topic in Science-Electricity. We had lots of discussion first about the uses of electricity and the dangers it poses. Next we investigated the vocabulary of voltage in circuits. The class explored what happens to a bulb in a circuit when more cells (batteries) are…

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It's Barvember!

Image of It's Barvember!

Barvember 2021 is here!

Barvember is organised by White Rose Maths, a scheme we use in Upper School, to encourage pupils to use the bar model to assist in mathematical understanding and reasoning. Using this method, children can visualise and then solve maths problems.

Each day in November,…

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Fabulous Vector Creations

Image of Fabulous Vector Creations

Upper School have now completed their course on Vector drawing. During their lessons, they have learnt layering, shading, how to copy images, rotate  and manipulate images.  The results are fantastic!


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Science -Separating Materials

Image of Science -Separating Materials

Today the learning was all about the different processes of separating materials. The children were given the task of separating a mixture of paper clips, raisins, flour and salt. To do this they used a magnet to remove the paper clips, a sieve to separate the raisins from the flour and then they…

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RE-Life as a Journey

Image of RE-Life as a Journey

The Upper School children have loved finding out about Christian life journeys from our visitors-Helen and Rev. Paul. They have today discussed how Jesus’ life journey influences the way that Christians behave and live their lives. We also learnt a new word…pilgrimage! We watched videos of…

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Superb Stories

Image of Superb Stories

Upper School are experiencing a ‘fiction frenzy’! As well as our new class novel Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (which we are thoroughly enjoying so far), we are enthused by the new books that we recently have in school.  Titles such as Once Upon a Crime, Robin Hood, The Boy Who Flew With…

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Science -Dissolving Materials

Image of Science -Dissolving Materials

In Upper School the children have been conducting their own experiments to test the best conditions for dissolving materials. Some of the children came up with good ideas for how to do that such as changing the temperature of the water, the amount of water, the type of container…In the end, we…

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The Ancient Maya

Image of The Ancient Maya

In History this term, Upper School are learning about the Ancient Maya, a civilisation from an area called Mesoamerica made up of parts of Mexico and other parts of Central America. 

The Mayas built amazing cities. Even though they lived in different cities, ruled by different kings and queens,…

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Science-Dissolving Materials

Image of Science-Dissolving Materials

This week’s Science lesson explored the vocabulary of dissolving materials. We found out the meaning of dissolve, soluble and insoluble through testing whether 8 different materials dissolve in room temperature water. 
The children made predictions about what they thought would happen to each…

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RE-Life as a Journey

Image of RE-Life as a Journey

The children in Upper School have been learning about how we can see our lives as journeys and the different kinds of journeys people make and choose. We have followed Jesus’ life journey reading from the Gospels in the Bible and finding the places he visited on a map of Israel. 
Today we were…

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Creative Computing!

Image of Creative Computing!

Last week, Upper School were learning how to create Vector drawings in computing by layering shapes to produce images. Even after our first lesson, they created some impressive results! Year 5 and 6 are very enthusiastic and excited by vector drawing and we can't wait to see what we can achieve…

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