D&T -Gears
Following on from last week’s lesson when the Upper School children learnt about and made a pulley system, the children this week explored mechanical gears. We learnt about what they do and how they work. After that, they made their own gears using card cogs and split pins.
Two groups of…
Curling Week 1
Year 5/6 have begun their five week Curling programme at The Flower Bowling today. We had a fantastic time learning how to move on the ice with the curling stones and how to score points in a game.
It is a lot harder than the professionals make it look at the Olympics!
Year 6 Hoodies
Today Year 6 were delighted to receive their colourful ‘leavers’ hoodies’ which were kindly given by our generous Friends’ Committee. Each boy chose his own colour and they will be able to wear the hoodie each day until the end of term.
They look…
D&T-Levers and Pulleys
Today the focus for our D&T lesson was to find out about mechanical systems-in particular, levers and pulleys. The Upper School children watched short videos about these systems and then had a go at making some themselves. Spencer, Eddie and Harry used the K’NEX to build a seesaw lever model…
Platinum Jubilee Day
The Upper School children enjoyed a day of Platinum Jubilee activities today including drawing portraits of the Queen, making crowns, a jubilee lunch and a special jubilee worship with Helen. We ended the day by planting our Queen’s Jubilee oak tree and singing the National Anthem. Here are some…
Getting ready for our Jubilee Day!
Upper School have worked hard to collage the outline of the Queen’s head with all things British! Their brilliant artwork is now up in the school hall ready for the Jubilee celebrations tomorrow!
I am really looking forward to seeing my class dressed up in red, white and blue for the…
Tempting Travels to the USA
In Upper School this week we have been using our skills of persuasive writing to create a leaflet to tempt visitors to the USA. Having learnt about amazing physical features and interesting cities as part of our Geography lessons, the class had plenty of fascinating locations to tempt…
Science-Evolution and Inheritance
Upper School are coming towards the end of their topic about Evolution and Inheritance this half term. We have learnt about adaptations, variation, inherited traits, survival of the fittest and this week we thought about how animals adapt over time to fit into their environments.
The children…
RE-Easter Around the World
For the last couple of weeks, the Upper School children have been researching, planning and producing a non-chronological report about Easter celebrations in different countries such as Mexico, Spain and Germany. They had to think carefully about how they set out their writing as the objective was…
Outdoor Maths Challenge!
This morning, Upper School braved the bracing wind to complete a maths competition that I set up around the school field. There were 29 maths challenges hidden all over the grounds and they worked in pairs to find them and try and answer the questions correctly before they could go and try a…
Fabulous Year Sixes!
Well done to our Year 6s for completing their SATs in such excellent fashion. We are very proud of the way they approached the week with confidence. Each Year 6 tried their absolute hardest and there is no more we could wish for. Well done all!
Art-Nest Sculptures
After a very busy and intense morning completing SATs papers, the Upper School children enjoyed going outside in the grounds of school to find the types of materials birds might use to make their nests. They found wool, straw, sticks, grass, moss and leaves to add to their clay bases and recreate…