
Image of Teamwork

We are so happy to be back at school after the Easter holidays! We started the week reminding ourselves how to work in teams, being helpful, kind and resourceful in our learning. 

Take a look at these photos to see how we worked collaboratively and searched for things as apart of a scavenger…

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Swimming Lessons

Image of Swimming Lessons

We are SO lucky to have our very own swimming pool in the playground! Our children have been enjoying swimming every day and have made so much progress this week.

We are really proud of you children, well done!



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Drawing Feathers

Image of Drawing Feathers

We have been looking closely at line and pattern in art this week. First we experimented with pencils learning how to create light and dark shades.  Then we looked at different feathers and drew them in our sketchbooks.


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Mothering Sunday

Image of Mothering Sunday

We have been learning about the meaning of Mothering Sunday to Christians. On the fourth Sunday of Lent, three weeks before Easter Sunday we visit our ‘mother church’ and give thanks. In the past, it was a day when children, who had gone to work as domestic servants were given a day to visit their…

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Learning about Hinduism

Image of Learning about Hinduism

We have had a great visit from Prags Birk today who came to talk to us about Hinduism. We have learnt so much by looking at different artefacts learning what they represent and how they are used. We had the chance to ask Prags lots of questions and compare Christianity to Hinduism. 


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Busy Friday

Image of Busy Friday

We started our week looking at signs of Spring in glorious sunny weather and have ended our week in snow this morning! It’s been an interesting weather watching week which has raised questions about climate change and amazed us (especially as now as the day ends we have glorious sunshine again and…

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Toys and Games In The Past

Image of Toys and Games In The Past

A huge thank you to Mr Proctor for visiting us this afternoon to tell us all about the toys and games he used to play when he was a little boy! 

Before he began talking Mr Proctor had us all time travel back 73 years to when he was 7 years old! Once we were back in 1950 then he began showing…

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Old Bear

Image of Old Bear

In our history lessons we are learning about the past in family life, to help us understand how people lived in the past and learn about changes we are looking at toys, old and new. 

Today Mrs Welsh brought in a 103 year old teddy that she was given when she was a little girl. We compared…

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Signs Of New Life At Easter Time

Image of Signs Of New Life At Easter Time

In our RE lesson today we have been to talk our big question which is ‘What do you think is the most important part of the Easter Story?’

At Easter, as Christians we celebrate the new life of Jesus. So today the children were detectives and went in search of signs of new life at spring time,…

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PE throwing and catching

Image of PE throwing and catching

Practicing and perfecting our throwing and catching skills with lots of fun games …



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3 Billy Goats Gruff

Image of 3 Billy Goats Gruff

The children have created some fantastic drawings and writing this week as they learnt and retold the traditional tale of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Take a look at these photos, the first photos show the children’s actions that they created to match different ambitious vocabulary which helped…

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WBD Reading Buddies

Image of WBD Reading Buddies

Such a lovely opportunity to share our love of reading together today on World Book Day! The children all found reading buddies and moved around the school choosing comfy places to enjoy stories together. 

Please take a look at Middle and Upper School’s blog posts to see other…

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