Daily Kilometre

Image of Daily Kilometre

As a class, we have decided to try and build up our fitness and running skills. Every day last week we began the journey to running at least  a kilometre every day!
We started off with 2 laps of the field and have so far built up to 4! 
6 laps will get us to a kilometre. 

Running and exercise…

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Investigating plants

Image of Investigating plants

We have been focusing on plants in our science lessons.
This week, we wanted to investigate what a flower was like. We began by completing diagrams in our books and labelling each of the components. 
After that, children had the opportunity to investigate with real flowers. 
We got our hands on…

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Scarecrow’s Wedding

Image of Scarecrow’s Wedding

As part of our learning through our topic ‘The Great Outdoors’ we have been enjoying the story ‘The Scarecrow’s Wedding’ by Julia Donaldson. 

We have been learning the story ready to help us with ideas to write our own adventure story with scarecrows as the main characters. 

The Reception…

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Image of Hope

We have been thinking about all the things we are grateful for in Lower School and also thinking about our hopes for the future for ourselves and the world around us. 

Our discussion began with a lovely charity book called ‘Big H and Little h’ that was kindly sent to us by Victoria the author…

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Tractor Run for Charlie

Image of Tractor Run for Charlie

A tractor run has been organised for this Friday evening in memory of local boy Charlie Robinson. 

In support of this event, the children in Upper School helped to decorate the tree at the bottom of the school drive with ribbons.

We hope they raise lots more money for the Brain Tumour…

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Our Prayer Tent

Image of Our Prayer Tent

We're learning about Special Places in RE this half term. Moses spoke to God in the tent (Tabernacle) he built, we read the story of this in the Bible  in Numbers 7:89. Today we have  started to create our own Prayer Tent; the children draped fabric over a play tent we had, in order to make it a…

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Bug Hunt!

Image of Bug Hunt!

The sun finally shone for our invertebrates survey this afternoon around the school grounds. 
The children worked in groups of three to investigate a particular micro-habitat and used a pocket ID book to work out what sort of invertebrate they had found. There were lots of flies and bees out…

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What shape am I?

Image of What shape am I?

Middle school have been learning about shapes in maths. We had a practical lesson on Thursday where we spent time guessing the properties of a secret shape. This encouraged children to use key vocabulary such as vertices, sides, right-angles, acute, obtuse, parallel, adjacent to help guess each…

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Stretching with Yoga

Image of Stretching with Yoga

Middle school has tried some Yoga in the sun this Friday.
Yoga is great exercise that helps stretch your body, build your muscles, helps your balance and helps blood flow to the brain to help with learning.
We really enjoyed all wobbling on one leg and stretching our bodies out!

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Image of Sewing!

The children have been learning different stitches to use in their DT project. They have had a try at the running stitch, the backstich, the overstitch and some even tried the tricky blanket stitch! 
We needed to get an idea of which stitches would be best for our projects - a passport cover. 

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The Weather

Image of The Weather

We are always talking about the weather! In Lower School we are talking about it a little more than we usually would at the moment as it is the focus of our geography learning this half term.  

Our new topic this half term is called The Great Outdoors (it's a great topic) our main focus…

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Let’s Go Sing

Image of Let’s Go Sing

The children in Middle and Upper School are taking part in a virtual ‘Sing Together’ performance this term as it has not been possible to join the other schools from around Lancashire for a real concert at King George’s Hall as we normally do. Instead, we are learning four songs and will be video…

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