Science -making healthy choices

Image of Science -making healthy choices

Today the children learnt about the sugar, fat and salt content in the foods we like to eat. 
We investigated food packaging and compared the grams per 100g. The children were quite surprised at the amount of fat in certain foods such as breakfast bars and the amount of sugar in sauces like…

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Red Nose Day

Image of Red Nose Day

A huge well done to everyone who has participated in Red Nose day this year.

Many of the children in middle school showed their support by purchasing a red nose and wearing it to school all day! 
Some brave children stood up in front of the school to tell some jokes for everyone to hear and…

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Ms Hennelly's classroom shop

Image of Ms Hennelly's classroom shop

To go alongside our topic of 'money' this week, the children came to buy items from Ms Hennelly's classroom shop!
They used money to count out amounts and simulate purchasing items from a real shop. 
We used this to help us with adding amounts of money on the first day as my shop had no…

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Image of Orienteering

Middle school have had their first try at orienteering in their PE lessons.
They had a great time applying their skills to complete different orienteering challenges.

Children firstly had to use find the numbered controls and mark where they think they were on the maps, making connections to…

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Dance Fever

Image of Dance Fever

We are always proud of the achievements our children make outside of school and love to celebrate them. Last weekend Olivia and Evelyn performed on stage at The Winter Gardens in Blackpool in a show called Dance Fever 2022. They performed in three shows, Friday night, Saturday afternoon and…

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Reception’s Learning about 10

Image of Reception’s Learning about 10

Reception children have been deepening their understanding of the number ten this week. 

Have a look at these photos to see some of the activities they have been doing… 


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Planting Bulbs

Image of Planting Bulbs

Developing our Reception children’s understanding of the natural world today they planted daffodil, hyacinth and tulip bulbs from plants we have grown in pots. If you look at our previous blog post you can read all about the…

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Investigating Bulbs

Image of Investigating Bulbs

We have been making connections throughout all our learning in different subjects over the past two weeks, revisiting and building on learning we did weeks ago too, all through an overarching theme of Spring.

In science we have looked closely at bulbs developing our scientific skills of…

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Science -Eat Like a Champ!

Image of Science -Eat Like a Champ!

Upper School are learning about healthy eating and healthy lifestyles this term in Science. Today we learnt about the differing amounts of kilojoules (calories) in our food. We found that fruit and vegetables had the least amount of KJs and carbohydrates/protein had the most. 
We learnt about…

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Clever Crumbles

Image of Clever Crumbles

In our computing lessons, we are learning how to programme a microcontroller connected to a laptop, via a USB. We have been programming components such as buzzers and lights with Crumble coding. It has been really rewarding to create programmes to create a sequence of lights and buzzes! (It’s been…

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Telling the time

Image of Telling the time

This Thursday children went into the hall and had the opportunity to put their new skills at telling the time to the test. 

Children could play dominoes where they matched up the time on the clock with the time written down.
We also played a board game where you had to read the analogue time…

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Animal masks!

Image of Animal masks!

The children have been learning about the circle of life in their science lessons.

Children have been thinking about what animals eat and how their bodies are adapted to their lifestyle. We learned that predators/carnivores share many features, as do prey/herbivores. 

To show our knowledge,…

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